
Billy Knows. Wtf?
5 min readJun 30, 2017


Devilboy had just run away from home and already he was crying!

Not from homesickness or anything that babyish. His tears were caused from the blasting wind that was ripping into his face.

The windblasts were caused by the speed of the flying frog he was riding.

HOME, was where he had left his frog flying goggles.

Devilboy’s home was located in the “nice” area of the Underworld, but there wasn’t much excitement or adventure in his neighborhood and the weather was always hot, dry and dusty.

Those reasons alone weren’t enough to make Devilboy run away from his nice house. As he saw it, he didn’t really have much of a choice.

How could he live on both sides of himself and still live with his father, Big Daddy S.?

Devilboy had lived his whole life with Big Daddy S. until now, or until last night when Devilboy had decided, then declared at the dinner table, that he would devote his life to good instead of evil.

He knew right then that he would have to run away from home.

Run away from his father, Big Daddy S.

There was no choice about the matter. In fact, “Choice,” was not even a word that was whispered in Devilboy’s home.

Yeah, his father was strict.

Yes, he was tough, and yes, his father was the big boss of the Underworld, but Devilboy did not know any other fathers, so he could not compare his father to anybody else’s. He just knew how strongly his father felt about the rules and Devilboy was definitely breaking the rules.

Devilboy had planned his get-a-way for three days.

Weighing all of the decisions he had to make, he walked into the flying-frog-stables because he had decided to “borrow” the purple eye-lashed frog!

He felt it was a good choice. He had read the flying-frog’s chart, learning some of the frog’s lineage.

Underworld frog lineage was important when considering all of the different creatures of the night that one could escape the Underworld with.

A person can’t run away from home very well on a rat or newt; wolves are too hairy and temperamental, leaving Magic Frogs as the perfect choice for an Underworld escape.

Big Daddy S. kept huge stables and breeding grounds for all the creatures that bothered the Overworld.

It was his hobby to keep a steady supply of vampires, bugs, zombies, wolves, mummies, spiders, red-ants, reptiles and frogs.

The breeding of giant flying poison frogs was a particular favorite of BigDaddy S’s because they were amphibian, cannibalistic and reproduce so fast.

As Devilboy was walking through the frog stables looking for a flying frog to “borrow”, when his brain jumped way, way back to all the different walks he and his father had taken in these same stables.

Devilboy shook those thoughts out of his head. He had to stay focused on what was happening. He made his brain stay focused on the few hours ago when he picked the frog he wanted.

His choice was the purple eye-lashed frog!

He had read on the frog’s chart that the frog he was currently riding, had special magical powers.

Underworld frog breeders graded each frog’s chart with little pitchforks to grade each and every part of a frog’s development.

Devilboy did not know what most of the special powers were, but the purple eye-lashed frog had five pitchforks after each category, making her the best of all the frogs in the stable.

Devilboy stared at the frog for a while wondering if she was the right one for his big escape, until he saw what he thought was a smile on her face.

That was why he had decided on this frog. HE had picked her because he liked her smile.

He knew that the Underworld frog breeders talked a lot about ‘strong frog sight this.’ and ‘ultra regeneration’ that, whatever “that” was?

The “this and that’s” didn’t matter now. He had to leave while Big Daddy S. was out-of-town! Out of the Underworld!

Devilboy’s father, Big Daddy S. actually worked in the Overworld stealing souls five days a week, nine to five.

In the past, his father used to bargain and deal more with the Overworlders for their souls, but when he lost a deal, the Overlanders would write stories or songs about how they “tricked the Devil” and “beat the Devil.”

As a result, the negative publicity was bad for business.

So now, Big Daddy S. just went topside and stole the Overworlders’ souls right out from under them.

With the OverLanders obsessed/sickened with television, drugs, drink, apathy and absent parents, the Topsiders were easy targets.

So Big Daddy S.’s job got tedious and boring which seemed to put him in a bad mood all the time.

Big Daddy S, or “BD” as he was called by his son, worked out of his house when he was home, but he could’ve worked wherever he wanted to.

He had designed a whole city of office buildings after his favorite hell on earth location, Beverly Hills, California.

Even though he could have an office anywhere, he preferred to work from home so that he could be near his son, “DB”.

Big Daddy S figured , it would be better to work from home when he could so he could sneak away and play video games or watch some stupid OverLand cable TV reality shows with his son.

Big Daddy S. actually grinned at the thought of his son’s smiling face, when they stole cable from the Overworld and watched the ignorant Topsider’s act stupid.

Devilboy was already missing his Dad. He did not want to think about his father right now!

The ten-year old boy wanted to start his life. Begin his career. Feel life in a different way.

Devilboy was very young to be thinking this way, but Underworld kids were more advanced than Overworld kids. At least the Overworld kids he saw on Overworld cable television.

Devilboy had never met any real Overworld kids in person, but his father said that they were just as dumb as the ones on TV.

Devilboy figured he’d find out for himself when he got there. He knew that school in the Underworld was a lot harder than the schools up there.

He thought to himself, ‘probably because ya get in a lot of trouble if you screw-up down here.’

An image of his angry father slapped into his brain again, but he erased it again as fast as he could.

ck it out on Amazon!

best aloha


