Kindergarten Book Week

Bimalsha Medaduwage
2 min readJun 1, 2023


This is not something I intended to write. But today I had an amazing experience, I find myself putting pen to paper. I performed my first-ever storytelling session for a group of 5-year-olds. Despite having delivered countless speeches and presentations throughout my academic and professional life, this was truly a next-level experience.

I was privileged to be one of the parents who volunteered to share a story with the Early Learners at Leipzig International Kindergarten, Germany, among whom was my darling daughter, Reezal Philips.

My audience was from different regions, different countries, and completely different cultures, making a rich blend of young souls. When selecting a book for my storytelling session, I didn’t want to choose a complicated book as my slot was just after snack time. I also wished to introduce them to a Sri Lankan book so that they could gain a glimpse into a different culture.

With the freedom to choose any medium of communication, I settled on English to reach all the children and create an inclusive environment for these amazing kids. The book I selected, “Dressing Up with Archchi (Grandma)”, turned out to be an absolute hit with the little ones.

Drawing upon my range of vocal techniques, I incorporated my low and high voice ranges, the weight of my voice, and most importantly a rhythm into my storytelling. These are some basic but important techniques of effective storytelling, especially when engaging with young children. The kids were super excited from beginning to end and I could feel their enthusiasm. They proved to be the most delightful audience, listening intently to every word I spoke.

None of the children had seen a ‘saree’ before, which they thought is a piece of blanket. So, I used my scarf to show them how to drape a half saree. And then of course they had a flood of curious and engaging questions.

At the end of the day, it was a day filled with wonder and joy, an experience that I will always cherish. It is amazing how storytelling can bring people together and create a shared experience. And I believe it’s through experiences like this that children can learn about and appreciate different cultures and traditions. I’m sure the children will remember it for a long time to come.

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Bimalsha Medaduwage

Project Engineer | Masters of Science in Construction Project Management