Michael Diamonds
Michael Diamonds

I am a newly out bisexual cis-man in my 40s who is in a long term monogamous marriage with a bisexual cis-woman. After coming out, I searched Bi+ sources for anything relating to what I was going through. The results, so far, have only revealed a slim selection of relatable media (which I’ve consumed repeatedly but I can only do that so many times). I feel like our representation is lacking even within the Bi+ community. I don’t consider myself a writer but I feel a need to share my experiences to support Bi+ male visibility, especially for those in monogamous relationships.

I’ve told those closest to me that I am bisexual and I am out on social media in public view, so, I am not hiding this fact from anyone. That being said, I chose to write under a pen name so that I can feel free to be as open as possible while giving myself, and others who may be referenced in my writing, a level of anonymity.

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Michael Diamonds

Michael Diamonds

Writing about my life as a newly out 40-something bi+ man, father & happily monogamous husband to my bi+ wife