Clinton Funding NXIVM Abyss Staring At Us All Along, Running Illegal “Daycare Centers” Globally

2 min readMay 9, 2018


NXIVM, the cult that has come under fire for human trafficking and sexual abuse allegations has had news written about them for a long time, hiding in plain site.

Is it possible news was suppressed because of their strong financial funding of Bill and Hillary Clinton? The tendrils of this cult, it’s strong connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton, and high profile Hollywood people is undeniable.

A quick search on reddit has a collection of news articles about them over time. This tongue-in-cheek post using the name of the cult leader pretending to deny being a cult has a laundry list of revealing articles:


As to the illegal daycare programs where they charged a lot of money for “training children” in the cults ways, this was a global operation. Frank Report has a detailed report on the “Rainbow Cultural Garden” and mentioned a location in Miami. The likes of Penelope Cruz among many others sent their children there, Cruz quickly getting them out after a time. More details can be read here.

I had to confirm that the school was in fact real and the contact information provided from their Facebook page ( backup) was real. So here is that after-hours call as proof:

A search on (a privacy-focused search engine not using google algorithms) easily leads us to this article that covers some of their non-US locations. The tendrils are world-wide and run deep.

#Pedogate and #Pizzagate quite possibly has gone mainstream as a result of these revelations. To those always seeking the truth and digging deep, they always knew of this cult and it’s connections. Far too often it takes mainstream media news to get the larger population of people informed about the news the mainstream establishment media seeks to hide. That time is coming to an end as citizen and viewer funded media is ever-increasing.

An example of this can be found in this new 24/7 Volunteer News Service:
#WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots’ Soapbox Stream

More and more coverage of information the mainstream news suppresses can only spell a more informed people. #TheGreatAwakening is here and the American Revolution 2.0 is what we are in.

It’s a real information war!

God bless you reader and remember, though there is dark news and wickedness in the world, unplug, take a break and remember:

Philippians 4:8

“ Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”




I am a Chrome-American, my skin reflects every single color. I dwell in binary, a mirror/mask. For mankind is trinary, and your ultimate choice is binary.