5 min readFeb 28, 2022

BinaryDAO is a longstanding partner of Metis and is here to support the entire Metis ecosystem through our innovative protocol design. Through our initial presale and public sale, we will build up a strong treasury balance which will be actively managed with our “risk on” or “risk off” strategies, depending on current market and macro conditions, generating yield and distributing that profit to those staking on our protocol.

What does this mean?

We strategically invest in and provide liquidity to key Metis protocols, strengthening the protocols themselves, all while generating yield and returning that profit to those staked on our protocol.

How can I benefit and get a share of the protocol’s profit?

Staking BYTE tokens will allow users to begin participating in the revenue sharing process. When users stake their BYTE, they will receive a receipt in the form of CODE tokens. Based on the APY offered, stakers will begin earning yield immediately and their earnings will be auto-compounded by the protocol.

What does this mean, in simpler terms?

Essentially, your staked BYTE token balance will increase over time. If you would like to redeem your balance, you can exchange your CODE receipt tokens in exchange for the increased position of BYTE tokens you have accumulated.

Where are the extra tokens coming from?

The protocol will be using its treasury, comprised of funds raised from the initial sale and creation of new BYTE tokens through bonding (more on this later) to generate yield through a variety of DeFi protocols. We will have an easy-to-understand dashboard detailing exactly how the funds are being deployed at any given moment. The yield allows the protocol to mint additional BYTE tokens and distribute to stakers without inflating existing holder balances.

Why should I buy/bond $BYTE and stake it?

We chose the Metis ecosystem as our home because we are incredibly bullish on Metis and its ecosystem as a whole and believe in its bright future ahead. They chose to partner with us because of our strong ability to be a core component of their ecosystem and provide security and stability to the various protocols on their network.

If you are bullish on Metis and its ecosystem, by buying/bonding and staking $BYTE you are not only contributing to the health and stability of the ecosystem, but also directly benefitting from the growth of the ecosystem. As the Metis ecosystem grows, BinaryDAO supports it, and all participating stakers earn yield.

In short, gain exposure to the key protocols in the Metis in a risk-optimized and yield-providing manner, all in one place.

How does BinaryDAO maintain their treasury in the fast-changing space that is crypto?

The Binary team is constantly analyzing and exploring current market conditions and sentiment to determine what the optimal strategy for treasury management is.

If the market is bullish, a “risk on” approach is taken, following more high-risk farming strategies with a heavier percentage skewed towards maximizing yield.

If the market is bearish, a “risk off” approach is taken, utilizing stablecoin farming to protect against downside and impermanent loss.

In the case of a crab market (middle ground), a blend of the two strategies will be implemented, considering the current yield farming opportunities.

What is the best way to describe what Binary does?

We are a Yield Farming DAO. We grow our treasury by yield farming in the Metis ecosystem and we also offer users the ability to mint BYTE tokens by locking up stablecoins for a chosen time duration through our bonding mechanism. By staking $BYTE, you gain access to the amazing yield generation our team of experts are constantly optimizing and managing.

We have a long-term vision and partnership with Metis and will continue to be a core element of and contributor to the ecosystem for years to come. Due to the profit sharing model we have created and the power of compounding interest, the longer users stake in our protocol, the more exponential returns they will receive.

How can I get involved?

Our NFT sale will be taking place Mar 4 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 7 15:00 (UTC). There will be 2500 NFTs for sale, which act as a presale mechanism that will qualify holders for an airdrop of $BYTE tokens. An in-depth article will be posted tomorrow with all the formal details, including bonus utility.

Our presale will take place from Mar 9 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 10 15:00 (UTC), allowing those previously whitelisted from our initial promotional and netswap scoring campaigns to purchase $BYTE tokens.

Our public sale will take place from Mar 11 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 16 15:00 (UTC), allowing anyone to purchase $BYTE tokens from the 2m tokens allocated to this sale.

Token claim for all parties and airdrop for NFT holders will take place on March 17 15:00 (UTC), which will be followed by a three-way collaboration effort between BinaryDAO, Metis, and Netswap, in the form of a monthlong 2x reward $BYTE/$USDC farm on Netswap, paying out in $NETT and $METIS. Participants will be able to put their $BYTE to work and earn some juicy yield before the official launch of BinaryDAO protocol on April 1.

At this point, single-sided staking of $BYTE will open on the BinaryDAO DApp and participants will be able to get exposure to the entire Metis ecosystem in a optimized and passive manner, while receiving yield and contributing to the strengthening of the ecosystem as a whole.

What are the details of the tokenomics?

The BYTE token is initialised through the Genesis sale events, with a total of 3 million BYTE created as initial supply.

The allocations of the initial BYTEs are:

  • 250k BYTE airdropped to BIT NFT holders
  • 250k BYTE sold in community presale at $2 per BYTE
  • 2 million BYTE sold in public sale at $2 — $4.5 per BYTE
  • 500k BYTE minted in treasury to provide initial liquidity for BYTE

What mechanisms allow BYTE to be non-inflationary?

While most tokens are inflationary, where holders lose value on their holdings as more token are emitted through incentives, the unique tokenomics of BYTE makes it a non-inflationary token. This is because new BYTEs can only be created in 2 ways:

Minter can mint new BYTEs by locking up stablecoins at a slight discount to the current market price of BYTE. Minting strengthens BinaryDAO’s treasury, and increases the earning of the protocol overall. And since new BYTE tokens are minted at close to market price, it does not create inflation.

Stakers earn protocol revenue through staking in the form of new BYTEs. Since new BYTE tokens are only created based on protocol revenue earnings, we can ensure there no inflation for existing BYTE holders.

Can I see an easy to follow recap of the key dates?

The BYTE Genesis event will take place in the following stages.

  • Promotional Tasks: Jan 28 15:00 (UTC) — Feb 14 15:00 (UTC)
  • Netswap Scoring: Feb 14 15:00 (UTC) — Feb 25 15:00 (UTC)
  • NFT Collection Sale: Mar 4 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 7 15:00 (UTC)
  • Presale (for Promotional Task Winners & Netswap Scoring): Mar 9 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 10 15:00 (UTC)
  • Public Sale: Mar 11 15:00 (UTC) — Mar 16 15:00 (UTC)
  • $BYTE Token Claim Opens: Mar 17 15:00 (UTC)
  • NFT Holder Snapshot & Airdrop: Mar 17 15:00 (UTC)
  • Netswap LP Farm: Mar 17 15:00 (UTC) — Apr 17 15:00 (UTC)
  • Product & $BYTE Staking Launch: Apr 1 15:00 (UTC)

Where else can I follow along the BinaryDAO journey?