How web scraping is transforming the world?

Jyotirmay Samanta
3 min readOct 16, 2019


“The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” — Carly Fiorina

Data is the new differentiator. According to the World Economic Forum, By 2025, 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally. Unfortunately, all this abundant data on the internet is not open and available for download.

But think of what all the gargantuan amount of data can do for your eCommerce or travel business, only if u had the access to the data? Ummm… when there’s a will, there’s a way — Web scraping. Extracting data from the web with the help of custom-coded scrapers and storing the data on your device in specific formats is what web scraping is. If you need more info, follow our blog.

Today, we are here to discuss how web scraping is doing wonders in various industries. We have put together a list of the applications of web scraping in different industry verticals.

[1] eCommerce

Web scraping is slowly becoming crucial for eCommerce businesses in gaining rich insights to help them develop strategies to compete against their competitors and also save time and cost in the process.

With web scraping, eCommerce businesses can carry out competitor analysis and competition mapping, real-time tracking of competitor prices, sentiment analysis, automatically Update Your Product and Inventory Data, online reputation management and predictive analytics.

[2] Finance

There are so many sources and forms in which financial data is available and it turns out, every bit of this is as important and can really contribute to making better decisions.

Financial institutions leverage web scraping for equity research, real-time access to financial data and credit ratings, venture capital research, risk mitigation, and compliance, and market sentiment prediction.

[3] Sports

Sports have been commercialized completely, starting with team composition and playing strategy to operations; betting, etc. This requires scraping large amounts of data.

Data is scraped in sporting industries for performance analysis, market value analysis, competitor analysis, etc.

[4] Real Estate

With thousands of potential buyers online, realtors need to leverage web scraping to harness relevant data out of all the data clutter.

Web scraping in real estate help with property value tracking, property details tracking, agent information, price data, review, rent prices, vacancy, and images.

[5] Marketing

Marketing is about showcasing your products or services to your potential customers and in the process creating relationships with them. This requires a lot of market research and data analysis, something that web scraping comes handy with.

Marketers use web scraping for SERP scraping, contact information and social media links collection, lead generation, competitor analysis, search engine optimization, market analysis report, demography-wise scraping, and brand monitoring.

[6] Hospitality

Scraping hotel and air travel data is a pretty common practice amongst businesses in the hospitality sector.

With data scraping, one can gather data in real-time, scrape airline data, hotel information, prices and their availability, monitor social media trends, scrape ratings and reviews, carry out competitor analysis, monitor brand, understand consumer preferences and predictive analysis.

Binaryfolks is a leading provider of web scraping services in India with specialization in providing end-to-end, fully managed, enterprise-level data scraping services that effortlessly churn millions of web pages to structured data.

