Bincentive Connects Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Social Trading and Blockchain technology.

Introducing The Revolutionary Inter-exchange Smart Investment Platform

Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018


Bincentive is pleased to announce the revolutionary EcoService that redefines the crypto trading environment by creating a smarter, more transparent ecosystem built on blockchain technology. Through which, investors can make better more flexible investment decisions.

To establish trust and profit-sharing services for exchanges and investors, Bincentive offers a completely decentralized and open platform with artificial intelligence algorithms that create a diverse selection of expert trading strategies.

This EcoService connects individual investment clients with financial experts, introduces profit sharing, and creates a bridge from crypto assets to all financial products.

Key Services Features

Simplified Investments

・Trade confidently without complex investment expertise.
・With Bincentive, investors can subscribe and deactivate to professional trader’s auto trading services anytime.
・ Auto-trade 24/7, 365 days per year.

Profit Sharing Model

・Trading experts collect self-defined remuneration amounts according to their service value.
・Investors only pay profit sharing rewards when there are positive investment gains.
・Incentive programs reward everyone in the ecosystem.

Trust and Security

・Immutable and accurate trader performance data is stored on Blockchain and available for public review.
・Trading terms of agreement and service fees are also secured by smart contracts.
Traders never have direct access to member funds.

Bincentive Ecosystem

Three major entities exist within the Bincentive ecosystem:

・Investors (members)
・Expert Trading Advisors (traditional trading experts, quantitative traders, AI trading engines — via Quasi Decentralized Apps )
・Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Each of these groups are able to interact safely and securely because of the patented Bincentive ecosystem architecture. The platform protects each entities’ private account information while allowing for trades to simultaneously trigger trades in members’ exchange accounts.

Bincentive Ecosystem Architecture

Road Map

The Team

Bincentive has been joined by incredible engineers, developers, marketers and salespeople who have come together to create one of the most innovative crypto trading platforms.

This article expresses an independent view of Bincentive. Bincentive is not responsible for investment profits and losses, and investors should carefully consider various investment risks.

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