BiNeuro Ecosystem is going to become the leading Google Partner in the World

4 min readApr 7, 2018


What’s so special in this project?

BiNeuro is a synthesis of two most advanced technologies our time: the artificial intelligence and blockchain. This system was created by the team of experts with long-term practical experience in digital marketing, applied mathematics and programming.

What is BiNeuro?

BiNeuro’s core is composed of the following elements:

  • Data Science technologies — the science of data, that studies analysis, processing and use of digital information;
  • Machine learning, based on neural networks. Program analyzes the previous information and the methods of its use, compared it with new information and selects similar options;
  • Big Data — the phenomenon of “Big Data” working with huge mass of information;
  • Singular spectrum analysis — SSA, time-series analysis method;
  • Fuzzy logic — based on the concept of fuzzy set;
  • Decision trees — methods of automatic data analysis

The BiNeuro platform is developed on the base of the Ethereum network, which makes it possible to use one of the most important inventions of Vitalik Buterin (the founder of Ethereum) — the so-called smart contracts. Using smart contracts will significantly improve marketing campaigns effectiveness and allow the transparency and safety of all transactions on the BiNeuro platform.

The BiNeuro creators are ambitious and plan to earn $ 54 million by the end of the first year. These results will be achieved owing to involvement of several thousand Partners and conducting tens of thousands effective advertising campaigns. In the nearest future BiNeuro is going to reach a global level and conduct millions of advertising campaigns a year.

Features of the BiNeuro platform

What is BiNeuro’s Partners main advantage over regular advertising agencies and other marketing services providers?

Firstly, this is a super effectiveness the methods of online campaigns conducting. It’s achieved owing to using the artificial intelligence and machine learning. For example, a highly qualified marketing specialist is physically capable to manage no more than a hundred advertising campaigns per year. The BiNeuro system is able to provide more than ten thousand pay-per-click campaigns over the same period of time. The system is continuously analyzing up to 300 000 parameters of advertising campaign and make necessary corrections. The value of parameters at which the campaign provides maximum efficiency is called the Targeted Image of the campaign. BiNeuro corrects the values and seeks to bring them to the Target Image by itself. BiNeuro contains not only function of neuro-optimization, but also a system of expert assessments. The system stores the library of Target Images of the most successful campaigns geographically and industry-related, and when a new client appears, BiNeuro immediately turns to the similar experience. Even the most experienced specialist isn’t able to master and keep in his own head such a huge mass of information!

There is a completely different situation with BiNeuro system — decisions are made not by a person, but by a neural network. BiNeuro’s experience includes more than 80 thousand successful advertising campaigns. It should be noted, that with each next advertising campaign conducted by BiNeuro, the system develops expertise and becoming more efficient.That’s why self-developing intelligent BiNeuro system simply will never become obsolete. At the same time, the cost of advertising campaigns configured by BiNeuro is much lower the cost of similar campaigns conducted by humans.

Blockchain inside NeuroAdvertising Ecosystem

To meet all needs of the Internet advertising market participants connected to the BiNeuro, we are creating Blockchain Ecosystem for advertising agencies, freelancers, specialists, contractors, bloggers, offline agencies, clients, etc.

The main characteristics of the Blockchain technology — decentralization and security — create the most favorable conditions for safe and convenient interaction among the participants of the ecosystem.

The Ecosystem provides the following options:

  • The forming a reliable rating of ecosystem participants, based on feedback from only those, who used and paid for services (this function is provided by the Blockchain);
  • Search for a clients, partners, contractors, job and recruitment using an expert system of artificial intelligence based on reliable ratings, confirmed by the Blockchain;
  • Conclusion of agreements, effecting a payments and other transactions between participants of the Ecosystem using smart contracts.

Token Sale

Now the BiNeuro team start Token Sale of BNR — internal token of the Ecosystem. Using the BNR will allow you to pay for registration at the Ecosystem and its services, as well as to be a means of payment between the BiNeuro participants.

If you want to invest in the project that not just promise, but has been already working, you should focus your attention to BiNeuro Token Sale.

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Google Premier Partner (Top 10 nominated in 2017) shares the secret of its growth. The Neuronet to manage your Google advertising campaign