How BiNeuro is using AI to better understand traffic?

3 min readMay 28, 2018


During the campaign, BiNeuro takes into account from 1,000 parameters for small customers and up to 300,000 for large online stores and reacts to changes in the situation in 24/7 mode. For comparison, a high-end digital expert can “keep in mind” at best 40 parameters and devote the one hour in a few day for a separate campaign.

So, where does BiNeuro take so many parameters for tracking?

Google specialists have developed an effective, but complex system of artificial intelligence, which has become superior to human capabilities in its understanding:

Google Adwords targeting limits:

  • No more than 5 million individual targeting elements in your account (for example, keywords, placements, and user category lists).
  • No more than 1 million campaign targeting elements in your account (e.g., target locations and negative keywords at the campaign level).
  • No more than 10,000 targeted or excluded locations in the campaign, including up to 500 target areas within a radius.
  • No more than 20 general placement exclusion lists in your account (the maximum number of items in the list is 65,000).
  • No more than 65,000 excluded placements at the account level for each account (separate from lists, campaigns, and ad group exclusions).
  • No more than 128,000 excluded placements in an ad group (this includes exceptions for your account, lists, campaigns, and ad groups).
  • No more than 11 thousand total budgets in your account.

In addition, each target element in Google Adwords (as well as in other PPC advertising systems) corresponds to the system of the main hierarchical groups (MCC account, account, company, group, keywords, ADS), each of which includes 20 to 60 parameters, each of which can take from 2 to 150 values.

For example, when Google Adwords generates an ad campaign rating for a single word or a keyword phrase, it uses hundreds of parameters, not just such commonly known parameters as CTR, CPC, Avg.CPC, cost, Avg.pos, Interactions, Quality Score, Conversions , PTR, Search lost IS (rank), which are mostly oriented advertising agencies — professionals.

And, for example, even such a simple task as decoding such an important parameter as the CTR (click-through rate) for the passphrase may be different, depending on other parameters and their correlation, and also has a temporary cyclicity unique for each advertising campaign.

A human simply can’t physically process such a large number of parameters, especially if this must be done regularly.

On the base of the BiNeuro’s practical experience of 80 000 real advertising campaigns, the number of parameters taken into account often reaches 300 000.

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Google Premier Partner (Top 10 nominated in 2017) shares the secret of its growth. The Neuronet to manage your Google advertising campaign