How to promote ICO after the Google ban will entry into force?

2 min readMar 29, 2018


Interview with Dmitry Pavlov, partner of the project BiNeuro and Premium partner Google

Dmitry, could you tell us, why Google going to ban ICO advertising?

Google implements transparency, cleanliness and eco-friendliness policies of internet advertising. Google stands for internet advertising to be useful, effective, honest and legitimate. This means that promotion illegal or irregular projects does not in compliance with Google policy. Over the past year, too many ICO projects were fraudulent, and the procedure for ICO isn’t under regulation. As a result, scammers promoted via the network, raised money and then disappeared. In this situation, Google actions aimed at restricting the advertising ICO were logical and expected.

Dmitry, what’s your personal position, as a Google Partner, about ICO advertising ban?

I believe that Google acts professionally and I fully support this decision. However, in my view, total blocking the ICO projects advertising is too radical measure. In the absence of regulator which would allow Google to determine the status of an ICO as fictitious, such decision is logical. Within the BiNeuro project, we want to get Google’s permission to advertising conscientious ICO projects via our ecosystem. We plan to deeply understand this issue and develop an ICO projects legalization procedure. We believe all market participants are interested in it.

Dmitry, how are you going to get permission from Google to advertise ICO?

It’s very simple. Analogic mechanisms for similar projects already exist. For example, to fund project on Kickstarter, you need to go through certain procedures. Therefore, no one blocks the advertising project published on сrowdfunding platforms. A similar approach can be used for ICO projects.

Dmitry, what do you recommend to companies which going to promote their ICOs after the Google ban will entry into force?

There is solution, but this require an individual approach in each case. Our company is an absolute leader in the individual solutions preparing for each client.

You can contact us by e-mail and we will deliver the best option for your needs.




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