Agricultural smart small weather station helps agricultural production

2 min readOct 28, 2021


Meteorological and environmental factors are the primary cause of harm to agricultural planting production. With the increasing modernization of agriculture, the “extensive management” of the past has disappeared. The application of agricultural weather stations has stimulated key functions in agriculture.

The small agricultural weather station reminds you to do a good job in farming prevention! Data and information show that in recent years, the agricultural damage caused by natural disasters due to drought and waterlogging has expanded. The average annual area of ​​food crops due to drought is more than 200 million mu. Droughts and floods have great harm to the world’s food production safety and the concept of sustainable development. The agricultural drought communication satellite detection is an urgent way to solve the drought hazards.

The agricultural intelligent small weather station can detect basic weather conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, environmental humidity, standard pressure, rainfall, soil temperature and humidity, and has the functions of automatic storage, over-limit alarm and data communication. The fully automatic observation point consists of three parts: a climate sensor, a weather data video recorder, and a mobile phone software for climate environmental protection monitoring. It is widely used in industrial and agricultural production, holiday tourism, scientific research, climate and other major urban environmental testing and other professional fields.

What are the effects of agrometeorological monitoring system? For example, take harvesting wheat as an example. Wheat has entered a critical period of production. Ensure that the grains of wheat can be returned to the warehouse, and ensure the smooth progress of summer harvest and planting. During the summer harvest and summer planting period, the agricultural meteorological station reminds many farmers to grasp the clear temperature during the wheat harvest period, obtain the wheat appropriately, and take care to prevent thunderstorms and winds. Heavy precipitation such as hailstones. The summer harvest is continuous and the summer is planted. Because the growth period of autumn crops is short, the management method has a low bargaining price. When the seedling conditions are suitable, planting autumn crops should be carried out quickly. safety.

Accompanied by contemporary agricultural development trends and transformations. Agriculture has been gradually transformed, upgraded and upgraded. Started large-scale planting, professional and intelligent management methods. Let agriculture gradually move towards specialization, intelligent system, and intelligence. Small weather stations in the fields are also part of it.

The agricultural weather station is used in agricultural planting to obtain first-hand meteorological data at any time, so that planting is more effective, and the actual effect of planting in agriculture is faster.

