The Importance of Water Quality Detection

2 min readApr 26, 2023


Water quality detection plays an important role in the protection of the water environment, the treatment of water pollution and the maintenance of the health of the water environment. Let’s find out more about the importance of water quality testing.

For drinking water, the presence of harmful bacteria such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery and other germs in the water can spread various infectious diseases. When there is a large amount of plankton in the water, then the oxygen content of the water is reduced and this can cause the death of large numbers of fish in the water.

If there is too much fluoride in the drinking water, it can cause streaks in the teeth and lead to “plaque disease” and in severe cases the teeth may become completely diseased. It is therefore essential to monitor the quality of our drinking water to ensure that it meets drinking water standards.


For industrial water, there are also many types of water classified according to the different uses. For example, boiler water must not contain large amounts of calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate, otherwise scale will develop in the boiler, which will not only consume too much fuel but also cause the boiler to explode. In metallurgical plants, for example, there are very strict regulations on the amount of suspended matter in the feed water for the cooling plant.

In addition, water quality monitoring can also provide data and information for environmental management and environmental science research; determine the distribution of pollutants in water bodies, track the sources of pollutants, pollution pathways, migration, transformation and growth and decline patterns, and predict the trend of water pollution; determine the impact of water pollution on environmental organisms and human health, assess the actual effect of pollution prevention measures; provide data representing the current state of water quality, used to assess the environmental quality of water bodies; explore the causes of pollution, pollution mechanisms and a variety of pollutants.

In-depth theoretical research into the water environment and pollution is of great importance, but the premise of water quality testing is based on sophisticated instrumentation. The choice of water quality sensors will make water quality testing easier and more efficient.

