GRE Issue #5

Yue Wu
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive.

Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation’s cultural traditions are preserved and generated.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

In modern global society, we can see that almost all major cities in a nation can represent a nation’s traditional culture, so it is important for them to get sufficient funding to thrive, not only to compete with other cities, but also to broadcast the traditional culture to the world.

Take the capital of Taiwan, Taipei, for example, Taipei has been the political, financial and culture capital of the island for almost 150 years. People can still sense the history of the island, the archaic building from the Qing dynasty and the Japanese empire are still standing still today; and nowadays, the city is the innovative and financial hub of the island, says, with getting funding from the government, not only we can see the shine of the Taipei city resonate in the global society, the history and the culture of Taiwan can also be heard worldwide.

Another example can support this idea even better is the city of Tokyo, since it has been the capital of Japan for more than 500 years, the culture and the history of Japan are deeply mounted into the city, under the western industrial society, the spirit of samurai still lingers. I think that everyone is already familiar with the Japanese culture, and why is that? The main reason is that the Japanese government has not stop supporting the city of Tokyo since it has become the country’s capital, with the flourishing of the city, the trend that people come here to experience it has never stop, thus, the tradition has remained, and even go beyond the border, says, a major city such as a country’s capital should get its funding to blossom.

However, some might contend that the traditional culture might not always exist in a nation’s major city, thus such an argument cannot be the reason for major cities getting their funding. Nonetheless, we can always find a nation’s traditional culture in its major cities, like London to the U.K., Washington D.C. to the U.S., Seoul to South Korea, the list can go on and on, so, with a country’s perspective, giving financial support to its major cities can not only make those cities flourish, but can also promote its traditional culture at the same time.

All in all, being as incarnations of the traditional culture of a nation, it is urgent for government to ensure their major cities getting financial support to flourish.

