The Wisest Investment To Be Made

Thanh-Binh Nguyen
3 min readNov 10, 2019


How do you define investment? Buying stuff at low price then sell them at a higher price?

Yes, that’s partly true! But this is about something bigger than just money. This is the foundation of all other investments, the investment that would never fail.

Self-investment is the key to any other investments.

The answer is self-investment. It is the answer to most of your problems. From how you advance in your career path, to how to be healthier or wealthier.

A friend or a comrade might stab you from behind at some point. Your current job or position is never secured. The money that you’re having, might some day be depleted. Even at the lowest point of your life, at the point where you have no money, no friends, no jobs, at the moment you’ve reached rock-bottom, you can always have yourself to rely on.

So what is self-investment?

To answer that question, let us first look at what an investment is.

Investment is the act of putting efforts and money into something to make a profit or achieve a stunning result.

Think of investment like growing a tree. You bought a tree when it was still a sapling. Then you water it every single day, fertilize it well, someday, it would bear fruits, and you are the one who is going to enjoy it.

The same principle is true with self-investment. It is all about become a better person than you were yesterday.

How do I become a better person?

Well, the answer is, it depends on how you define a better version of yourself.

You must ask yourself a question:

What do you want to be? What is your passion?

You want to become a better programmer? Spend time, money and efforts on what would make you a better programmer! Take courses, learn programming languages, spend time researching and developing prototypes of websites, applications.

“It’s absolutely OK to fail!”

You might still don’t know how to make websites after months and years of hard work, thousands of dollars spent.

It is frustrating, I know. It must be frustrating, because after all, we are just human.

Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash

The bright side, whether you can see it or not, is that you have gained a little bit of skill day by day. You failed. But you learned. That’s experience. Your experience ensures that you would not make the same mistakes that you did.

It is much better than those who don’t even dare to try, to fail. They can’t learn because they don’t have the mistakes to learn from!

“Real-life experience, is the best experience.”

You want to be a better version of yourself, but you don’t want to invest, to devote your time and efforts into the process. It’s like you want your tree to grow by itself, without watering, sunlight or fertilizer.

That’s quite outrageous, isn’t it?

The Earth that we are living, that our ancestors used to live, is still here. But everything on Earth changes every single day. Because of what?

Because of us — human.



Thanh-Binh Nguyen

Hi, my name is Binh. I am currently working as a full-time software developer at a Japanese software company — Dentsu Techno Camp.