BioCoin: Why a Blockchain-based Loyalty Program?

5 min readFeb 22, 2018


We all have, more or less, a store card somehere in a pocket…. To keep its customers, almost all businesses, from the smallest to the largest, propose a loyalty program. Sometimes we issued a real card, sometimes a simple paper card whose boxes will be stamped over time (it still exists among some artisans).

With your "store card”, you add up points, and it is often once accumulated that they bring you something, a small bonus, a gift, a percentage on a specific purchase or the deduction of a sum on a total result. All this if you are patient because these "rewards" are very punctual and once used, they are not worth much. It’s finish. The goal is to make you buy or consume more and more in the same place. And once these points used or bonuses spent, you just have to start over. They do not do small things … they do not recycle.
In addition, you must wag around sometimes with a card of each store, when you do not lose it! Not to mention the coupons still printed !!

But instead of these loyalty points, imagine you would received directly and instantly in a digital wallet a percentage of crypto-currencies usable at your will? With a market value that can go up ...

Simplified loyalty programs thanks to the blockchain

Today, big brands are already setting up this type of system: the Burger King chain is experimenting with it in Russia. But also travel agency companies for example. Tourism, restauration, insurance, merchandise, all sectors will pass. Even the airlines companies (Singapour airlines plans to launch blockchain-based wallet for frequent flyers). But this is obviously internal. For example a store sign will set up its own blockchain for its customers. It seems normal to preach for his parish in a competitive setting. But BioCoin is more broad-minded (see below).

The BioCoin blockchain converts loyalty points into tokens …

The technology developed within the BioCoin system makes it possible to transform any usual loyalty points into a BIO token ... Moreover, this ecosystem is compatible with the old loyalty programs specific to each trade. In this system, transfer money, whether in fiat or converted to BIO — even BTC or ETH (the BioCoin app allows it) — transactions and especially the reward mode (or "bonus" as you want), is extremely fast and simple once the customer is registered in the BioCoin partner database. No need to bother to print rigid cards or to ask how we will recycle coupons, since here everything is digital. In addition, all movements are "inscribed in marble".

BioCoins worldwide!

The advantage of the BioCoin loyalty system is that it is not the program of a single store: professionals from around the world can join the platform, with free access to membership (‘BioCoiner’ is the other name of our partners), and legal entities as well as natural person are accepted.

This is the big difference and the asset of a decentralized crypto. This BioCoin blockchain-based network is international, which allows you to pay or recover BIOs from any member of the platform wherever you are in the world. You receive a digital token that has value and you can do what you want next. Of course, you can pay goods as well with biocoins, like with any other crypto or fiat, if the seller has joined BioCoin loyalty platform. Partners do business too, but in a more cooperative than competitive environment.

The interest is that the members of the program multiply. Indeed, these partners have every interest in using biocoins. As they will find a profit both in the loyalty and the increase of their customers, in their own turnover and even in their image in terms marketing (since the BIO aims to help green projects), the interest is obvious. And the more partners will join the BioCoin ecosystem, the more BIOs will circulate and the more value the biocoin will increase …

As for the consumers themselves, their purchasing power will be all the more rewarded, they can also buy organic food or other products or quality service to which they are entitled. These same customers will of course be able to check and follow their bonus, what their purchases brought them, but also what they paid in Biocoins, etc., simply via their smartphone. This customer relationship level is the top.

BioCoin or the precursor of the blockchain loyalty systems, with an ethics in addition

In term of trade and of loyalty strategy, there is no doubt that blockchain programs will grow, as this article from CoinTelegraph points out, last september, mentioning BioCoin : (the last paragraph saying “more of that, please”).

Another article on NewsBTC, on september 22, was titled “BioCoin seeks to introduce loyalty reward programs using blockchain technology”.

We know that in the coming years, blockchain-based loyalty programs are going to explode. But among these, which are created inside companies, we can easily understand that BioCoin is the most interesting way. Indeed, because it is not just the program of one enterprise (LavkaLavka for instance), but, it is very shareful: this international system is open to everybody. It can be add to a loyalty program, a preexisting program in a business, or replace it.

But the main “sherry on the cake” of our loyalty blockhain is that its goal is to bring a new breath to the ecological field. It is actually its ethics.

People love rewards. Biocoin’s rewards can not be considered the usual carrot of the others classical loyalty programs; BioCoin’s team have empathy towards people and think that everybody must be rewarded. Above all, everybody has the right to a nice and happy life, with a good health and better environmental conditions.

Climate change must be taken seriously as we only have one planet.

The planet needs better managed human activity. Our future, our environment, our health are at stake. The partners who join the BioCoin platform will be seen as supporting eco-projects and showing a more eco-responsible approach. Thus, thanks to its great partner RCN (read more here), the establishment of loans in peer-to-peer, is expected in 2018. Users, investors, owners of biocoins may for example decide to lend BIO to finance a green project. A well as farmers will be able to help each other, buy and sell their natural products in a direct way, without intermediaries, at least no bankers. YOU are your own banker, with the ability to manage your wallet at your convinience.

The biocoin should logically become the “bitcoin” of the 21st century, in that it is more ethical.




Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.