Blockchain, Crypto Mining and their Environmental Impact - 1/2

4 min readMar 12, 2018


The question of energy has been crucial since the beginning of cryptographic mining, particularly for the Bitcoin.

We have already mentioned the difference between mining using the proof-of-work method (used for bitcoin) which consumes more energy than the proof-of-stake method (used by BioCoin).

This question of energy is directly related to that of the environment. That’s the reason why we are very concerned in the context of our eco-project. We can not afford to be contradictory. And even if all these developments (blockchain, crypto) have a vision of ten years now concerning bitcoin, it is clear that the energy expended must be questioned and still worked.

Mining and energy: avoid any waste

Mining crypto farms are multiplying, mainly for the BTC. It is therefore a question of finding, at the same time, an alternative to an energy wastage devouring and antinomic with the global ecological challenge of our century. For our biocoins, miners (or minters) use the power of their computer ; the process can be done from home or anywhere.

It is the same for the data centers … More and more, you can see small or medium data centers whose heat is reused. For example in Paris the water of a swimming pool is heated in this way. Etc. Today all reuse is a necessity, whether for the radiator, boiler or water … One day, maybe each of our computers will be a radiator. A start-up already combines radiators and computers. Etc. This might be a part of our future.

But all these technologies also have a cost and not only energetical: materials whose scarcity is beginning to be felt are used for the latest technologies. So ? Is the energy transition as it is presented to us a decoy? Possible since, objectively, we only move the problem of pollution …

Indeed, even photovoltaic panels used as renewable energy, called natural energy or “solar” — and even if they do not emit pollution — are initially made with materials such as ores (silicon for example or boron, silver, phosphorus). However, these ores are in limited quantity on Earth and cause polluting, and often inhumane exploitation. And extracting these metals requires energy, not to mention transportation and manufacturing.

The virtuous impact of the solar panels is therefore to be relativized in terms of their carbon impact. What about their recycling when, in their turn, the first generations become obsolete? (The Japanese have begun to look into the matter.)

In short, we have not finished with a broader human-human problem: the management of our waste. At least should we try to reduce wastes too, especially if they are not biodegradable and / or recyclable.

Then green crypto farms are a choice. Many innovations begin to be tested everywhere using green power, even hydro; no doubt that the competition for hydro mining will be soon tremendous.

Energy, waste, recycling: intelligence innovates step by step, but not always in a holistic way and in the long term, the first reason being of a business opportunity, more than empathy for nature. Is this a reason to give up and do nothing? No! And the mindset of the BioCoin team is always positive and enterprising. It is necessary to take the problem as a whole, and as much as possible at the source. Regulated eco-solutions are absolutely preferable.

We believe that solutions exist locally. Tracks are already being concretely tested to recycle / use the energy produced by the cryptographic hashing …

In Russia, we are thinking about this path, for example to create mining farms coupled with agriculture (or conversely) and without harming the environment. (Knowing that for biocoin, “mining” requires far less energy than for bitcoin.) Crypto mining greenfarms that would minimize or completely recycle the production and cost of energy: that’s a challenge to develop in parallel with our support for a healthier and more qualitative agriculture. Places that function in some way in a self-sufficiency. The technology is great but it should not be far from our land, quite the opposite. Your smartphone does not lay organic eggs … Only hens do it.

“As new blockchain platforms evolve beyond the inefficient bitcoin system, it’s becoming possible to design cryptos that can qualify as “green money”. But these must be backed 100% by real world valuable resources or services” …




Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.