Green Business or No Business

3 min readMay 26, 2018


No futur” used to be a slogan in the seventies. But today, “no futur” could be an environmental slogan, and a reality. Unless decision-makers finally understand the fate of the planet.

It’s great to start a business, to do business, to create, to build, to find innovations, to share, and to help others, but today it’s even better if the issue of activities impacts is included in projects. It’s even essential.

Futur will be green or won’t be” should be a sentence of introduction in all economy classes. Because even for people who have no vision about their planet or no consideration about its “health”, as they only see short time rentability of their business, well, in the frame of a ROI (return on investment), they would be winners by adopting a good behavior — sustainable and social aspects inside their activity! Otherwise, in few years, they could be in a very bad situation …
The metaphore of the boomerang has already been used anyway.

The sustainable will become more profitable than the disposable

We can no longer afford to play with fire — to put our lives and those of our children in the balance. Even if the Earth would recover from our disappearance, it is not a reason to continue going into the wall. Natural biodiversity is an extraordinary adaptive intelligence. Let’s follow this example!

Capitalism or not, green alternatives must be choosed and be implemented everywhere and in all fields. Further more, even though you not have an ecological vision of the life on Earth yet, it is easy to understand that making efforts, by adopting a greener-safer approach in business — whatever activities are — would only bring you back, at least, the proudness of showing everyone that you are really intelligent and that you deserve your human condition, considering that being born is a gift.

About the idea of sustainable, The Guardian listed a (non exhaustive) list about the advantages that brings a green business:

Then: what are you waiting for?

Why green business is the future of good business

Green Business:

And if you are not convinced yet, just read this article of Nicole Lamarco, published last april:

Other articles on this website of are interessant too.

To finish, let’s read this reflexion of Joel Makower in his article The State of Green Business, 2018:

That is the reason why BioCoin’s ecosystem was created to help the raise of a new green world, with many goals, like to offer consumers a better food, a better health, a better life, and on the other hand to be an opportunity for small businesses and green productors — among them farmers — to develop a better sustainable approach locally, and everywhere.
Sustainable is synonymous with the future, or vice versa!




Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.