How to Protect our Environment, our Food and Health using Blockchain in the Frame of a Green Economy

5 min readFeb 24, 2018


Let’s face it. No doubt that we must change many of our practices if the humanity wants to repare its passed errors and to fight the climate change as well. It is no more a question, it is a fact.

When the story changes the end

Technology is not always a devil if we use it for the best. The blockchain technology shows us how to disrupt old trade, using smart contracts and doing transactions with no more intermediaries nor taxes. The peer-to-peer concept was a very disparaged notion few years ago, but today everybody runs after its cryptocurrency in order to be free from its banker!

Cryptocurrencies will soon be part of the general adoption. Even if some coins are still volatile on the market, no doubt that bitcoin — not to name it — will settle for a long time. We can not go back; whatever the governments think about it, a new era is coming.

Now the question is how to combine the needs with all those brillant tech. More than that, how to save the planet using a cooperative intelligence.

Of course, in this trading global world, some people want to do business and become really rich, others just want to win some enough incomes from it. Ok.
But did you know that green activities were rentable too, and even more? The question is how to finance when you want to start your business, convert or simply invest to develop, or to develop your tools.

Farming is a perfect exemple: as the very first need that a living being seeks is to feed, farmers are the very first population whom to support.

BioCoin, an answer to help the smallest heroes

The situation of agriculture is such that it is very diverse: between large farms, medium and very small structures, between intensive methods and more natural approaches, how to navigate. Above all, how to find a health through good products?

Still today, the smaller you are, the more you are the last to be financed by a banker who always asks for huge guarantees, and who refuses most of the time to lend. More over, if you practice in an organic way, then you are either suspect or sweet dreamer to his eyes. Imagine then that you are a small local organic farmer who just wants to feed the regional population in a healthy way while respecting the environment!

In addition, in some countries, governments laws or european decrets are not often made to help small agricultors — see the case of France for instance, where numerous farmers commit suicide each year either because they can’t afford their heavy charges; or if they turned organic, they are waiting for the subsidies promised by Europe or by their goverments for two or three years! Financial means when you start organic farming are not fair, then some farmers have even to go back to intensive practices!

Some local organizations or alternative networks try to help and sometimes do good, but it’s not enough in front of the growing demand of the population about natural products. Such a drama is common, even in the United States … Just unbelievable and unbearable today! it can not last.

On the contrary, farmers who do organic farming from the begining — or since few years or decades — are living well, with normal income. They produce quality, not necessarely in big volume, but the fact is that in the end, it’s also more economically profitable.

Now, let's stop this contradiction and just do better. Bankers care about nothing but profits. Farmers should be free of charges for the strong work they do. By the way, United kingdom recently spoke about the idea to reward organic farming … This is precisely one of the reasons for BioCoin! Let’s help British then. ;)

Otherwise, in the United States, an organization offers some rewards — through products — to farmers who turn organic: but in that case, behind this organization, we can see Kashi … Kellogg-owned breakfast brand (the one with such bad sugar in it). No comment.

Anyway, that is the sign that governments wonder how to incitate to better practices. Well, a carrot, why not. But what about a crypto that everybody could use worldwide, an eco-token which would brings invest with a growing value?

Green economy : “back to the future”

The green economy is no longer a trend. It must become the only best way to do if we want to live in a sustainable harmonious cycle with biodiversity.

Circular economy for instance is a good concept — especially in terms of recycling our waste — but all the chain and all activities must care of the planet. It means that even though you implement a circular economy, it must be in the greenest way.
(Same for the Sustainable Development concept: subject of a next post.)

In parallel, there is no doubt that blockchain technology is going to revolution the international trade. Now let’s use it for a good reasons.

To protect our environment, our food and health, we can adopt an ecofriendly token for payments, shop, loan, rewards, fund or any transactions. Using a blockchain-based loyalty ecosystem in the frame of a green economy constitute an urgent answer to support the development of this inescapable paradigm: healthier, greener, more sustainable.

The objective of BioCoin is therefore to provide a more profitable solution to the players in the green economy, especially when they start; micro-credit in BIO will be able to help quickly for instance. And people demands for green are growing and growing …

Don’t forget that if you want to keep your health, you must not negociate with quality. Then it is time to be cooperative.




Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.