Producing Nearly Everything Locally?

The great exemple of an african farm.

2 min readJun 12, 2018

The organic farm of Songhai, in Benin, is a model. Indeed, it is a good exemple to what can be done. More over how to produce and recycle nearly everything on a same place … This is an amazing project launched at the end of the 80’s by Godfrey Nzamujo.

The Songhai’s model of eco-farm has been hailed by politicians who wanted to replecate it elsewhere in the country and elsewhere in Africa (15 countries has developped the same approach), and even all over the world, but of course adapted to each local biodiversity.

In Songhai, you also have a restaurant — organic of course.

Today, more and more Africans are asking to be trained to agro-ecology. This sustainable development and green solutions are a real opportunity for a livable future.

photo by Lovelyn Obiakor, from Wikimedia Commons

To produce, to use local materials and to recycle locally is not only possible but it is the nicest way to face the climate change.

In Russia as well there is a lot of lands ready for a revival. And to boost the aim, the Biocoin green token helps the small and medium farms as far as they are nicely offering natural basic or gastronomic good food.

Producing and using local is an interesting way to develop rural areas, feeding people with healthy products at the same time.

In addition, ancillary issues of recycling, sustainability and waste management should be considered in any such activity.

It is amazing to see how simple it is to adapt ideas when we really want to do it. Alternatives showed here may will become a standard in a close future!

photo of Songhai’s farm by Salamanda1 — Own work, CC0




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