Think Globally, Act Locally

7 min readMar 4, 2018


Local and global are two asymetric words

“Think global, act local”: what does that mean? global and local seem to be opposite words in their definition. Then how to do? Well, let’s take the two verbs linked: to think and to act.

  • To think globally means that we must be really conscious that all human beings live on the same planet, in a moving environment managed by biodiversity within the frame of nature’s laws. And that each of our acts has an impact for all. Earth is one. Life is one. If we cut ourselves from this idea, we are lost. So, that means that we must have a holistic view of the world — with its differences insides cultures and societies, in each territory, in each community.
  • To act local is obvious. In the economical frame, it means that particularly food products should be proposed on the base of local resources and sold locally for the most fresh of them. Of course, transformed products (canned in a glass jar for example) can have a longer life and eventually can travel anywhere, but provided that the means of transport has no impact on the environment …

To act locally by thinking globally: to provide answers to a territory by adapting them to the environment and by anticipating their consequences on the planet. Here, the concept of sustainable development fits into this approach.

The idea of IMPACT applies to humans, animals, nature (air, soil, water and resources), in a short time as well as in a longer time. What is called “human progress” lies in this true consciousness and not in the last profitable technological gadget.

How to apply those notions worldwide?

Between innovation, sustainable development and preservation of the nature, the link could be named “culture”. It’s not necessary to claim an intellectual notion. Just being responsible. (It is also a question of education, of exemple and of impregnation.)

Biodiversity is about to desapear and the minimum we could do is not to bet systematically on AI or too much connected-objects, as we have to reconnect with our environment, meaning Nature! Technology can be very practical but it must not invade our whole life in the name of profit. Some innovations are destined to fail, others need time to be developed. And above all, what about their impact on nature? Indeed we must not forget that it is our environment that determines our future. Those tech must have sense.

To be innovative means to bring better fonctionalities in people’s daily life; a better life meaning first of all a good health. And which brings the best impact on our health? Food!

Globalization has led to more and more competition between countries, but also between companies, even between local artisans. But competition is a source of stress, and its goal does not care much about the rest.

Today, more and more people want traceability and good products. They are fed up with big supermarkets, knowing that some multinationals gorging themselves behind their backs and are often unscrupulous about the quality of food that they sell, the goal being always more profits to the detriment of the little ones — and of the productors (including farmers).

The short system: a growing trend

More and more networks are being created locally to respond to a growing population who wants to know where the food comes from — and how it is produced. And a “short supply chains” is also an alternative to disrupt the hand-put of large groups on small producers.

Everywhere, we can see farmers on local markets, or joining a little cooperative to directly sell their products to consumers who live around. A return to logic in fact. The more a fresh product is sold rapidly and on the spot, the more it keeps savor, vitamins and nutriments.

But careful: it is not because your fresh product comes from the next door that it is safe, organic, or enough natural for your health …

How to know if a local producer used or not chemicals for its vegetables or fruits, without mentioned it? Considering that dimension, only an organic and local fresh product should be a reference if you really want a better health’s benefit. The official green labels are issued on the basis of an organic standard, which is a good thing; but they do not always mean 100% pure. Then here, confidence is a big challenge.

The point is that when you know the story of the producer and its way of producing, a confidence can be established:
- after a period of exchanges, or after having visited his farm,
- or/and because you’ve heard that a producer has a good reputation,
- or/and because this producer has joined an organic cooperative, known to to choose the suppliers of its network on the basis of strong green principles about practicises.

Blockchain technology can also bring a significant answer to traceability. The time has come not to tell anymore “we didn’t know”.

Local healthy farmers or eco-responsible actors are awared of two facts:
- environment and quality food must be preserved;
- more and more people ask for better alternatives and natural products.

Also read:

The future of local money within the frame of crypto

Another trend appeared a few years ago: local and specific currencies used only on a territory. This idea seems good if you do not move. And they are even considered as an alternative.
But unfortunately, there are some limits:
- to print means to use paper (which requires water, etc.);
- the goods and services are certainly local, but limited to the markets and companies of the territory that have accepted this type of hyper local payment;
- if those printed currencies are supposed to create more link on a territory, their financial benefits are not so obvious;
- it is linked to a legal system not so easy to manage;
- this money is reserved for a local population who signed for its use. If you are a tourist, you pay a product in the national money. And if you are a local inhabitant going away in holidays in another region — which has its own paper local currency too — , you can’t buy products with the currency of your own territory you left behind you.

It’s not so practical for everyone. Their field of action is very limited. And it’s not open to others. If we think local, why not? These hyper-local means of payment are considered social and responsible when they are created to encourage the purchase of local goods and services. Fine. But if you are on a territory, you can choose to buy local, whether with this local currency or not. So what’s the big difference?

Now, the idea is to act locally and think globally. If you think of a near future, everyone will manage their dematerialized money — via a smartphone, labtop or other. Local paper currencies are just complementary. And you must always get it with your national official money.

In addition, globalization and population movements require convenient, easy and fast means of payment and transaction.
The real alternative currencies in the coming years are obviously crypto-currencies. With it, you are able to buy anything wherever you are. For now, Bitcoin is starting to spread as an easy payment method in countries where it is licensed (most of the world now). But bitcoin is still a coin based on a non-ecological (proof-of-work) method, consuming a lot of energy.


The world is changing in this field of crypto, and more and more crypto-currencies are appearing. Even governments are thinking of creating their own digital currency …

The eco-token BioCoin has been created to be used worldwide in and for the real economy. And the question of buying locally is no longer a question because you will be able to do it easily then. And anywhere in the world. In addition to this useful tool of payment and transaction, BioCoin project was also created to support local farmers and local ecobusinesses as far as they offer greener goods, food or services. And not only for one specific population on a territory, but for everybody all other the world!

Think globally, act locally: sure. Now don’t forget to think green too, wherever you are settled if you want a sustainable life. To think globally is to think to the planet. To act locally is to act for the planet. Then for its inhabitants …





Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.