How To Know If Your Dream Is From God

Biodun Fatoyinbo
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Before God sent you to this earth, he prepared a purpose for you. You are here to solve a problem and the dream God has placed in your heart is a pointer to what that problem is.

However, it’s possible for you to have dreams that are good but not in line with God’s plan for you. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:25 (GNT) that what you think is the right road may lead to death. So here are a few signs that will help you know if your dream is from God:

It’s backed by the word

God will not endorse anything that is contrary to his word. So when you have a dream, it’s essential that you weigh it side by side with the word of God. If it’s against the word, then it’s not from God.

It’s too big for you to achieve by yourself

God will always give you shoes that are too big for you. If the shoe of your destiny fits you perfectly, then it didn’t come from God. God-inspired dreams will always seem impossible by human standards.

It requires growth

A dream that comes from God will require you to stretch. You will need to set new boundaries and start doing things differently. The inheritance of the kingdom is meant for mature sons so a God-given dream will demand that you press towards maturity.

It attracts challenges

The closer you get to the fulfillment of your dreams, the bigger the giants you’ll face. Giants are a pointer that you’re close to your Promised Land. In Genesis 37, the bigger Joseph’s dreams got, the more his brothers hated him. Hatred is an anointing. In Genesis 29:31, God saw Leah was hated so he opened her womb. If you want to do great things for God, you should expect that some people will dislike you.

It takes time

God loves to start things small and watch them grow. He loves to put his children through a process so that they will be well-prepared for their assignment. The dream God has for you will take time so don’t expect to arrive overnight. Habakkuk 2:3 tells us that the vision will come to pass at the appointed time and even if it seems slow in coming, we should wait patiently because it will surely take place.

God wants your dream to come to pass because it will help to build his kingdom and destroy the kingdom of the enemy. So partner with him and walk on the path he has set for you. His plans for you are better than any plan you can ever have for yourself.

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Biodun Fatoyinbo

Senior Pastor of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA).