My Mistake as an Android Developer, which I do not want others to make

hamzat abiodun
3 min readSep 27, 2022


Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

The journey of becoming an Android Development started in the year 2017, after two years of graduating from Nigeria University. Before graduating from University have been thinking of a way to make a living, knowing the high unemployment rate in my country. I first thought of learning hand work, but after I searched the internet, I learned about software development. As God will have it, I have the privilege to visit a brother of mine living in Dubai. My brother gave me a small laptop, and with an uninterrupted power supply and internet, then I started learning how to code.

Firstly, I started with HTML and CSS, Query, and then PHP for the backend. I built two to three personal websites with this knowledge. After seven months, I left Dubai for Nigeria because of NYSC. NYSC means National Youth Service Corps, through which Nigerian graduate serve their Fatherland. During my service year, I decided to learn Android Development, and I started with learning Java programming language, which was the official Google language for developing Android apps. And there was an app that has been wishing to build with the knowledge I acquired, I built the app, and it is doing well on the google play store. Instead of looking for experience by getting a job as Android Developer, I keep working on my project. In addition, since the android version of the app was a success, people clamored for the iOS version, and I was able to build it within a month. With the android version, the app has more than one hundred thousand downloads on google play, while the iOS version was a paid version. Through the android version, I was making almost $300 a month, while through the iOS version, I was making $100 a month. And my income through this app has been steady for many months. Hitherto, someone filed a copyright claim for some of the audio I used in the app for both the android and iOS versions of the apps. Consequently, both the android and iOS versions of the apps were removed from the google play store and App Store. But for almost a year now have been trying to get a job in tech, and think the reason why am unable to get any of it was my lack of experience in android app development. Below, we look at the two things we believe every software engineer should know.

  1. As you are learning software development, continue applying for a job, even though you might have a project you want to build. If you eventually get a job, after coming back from the job, you can work on your personal project.
  2. Join an online group that is related to what you are learning. Hence, there are many people out there that already know more than you, no matter how many years you might have been learning.

In conclusion, don’t only work on your personal project, but also look for experience. Thank you for reading. Please look out for more publications from me.

