Understanding Feistel Cipher: A Brilliant Framework for Encryption

Biraj karki
4 min readOct 4, 2023


Greetings on Day 4 of our exhilarating venture into the domains of quantum computing and cryptography with the #Quantum30 challenge by QuantumComputingIndia.In this exciting journey, we delve into the fascinating world of quantum computing and cryptography, exploring their intricacies and potential.

Today, our focus is on the Feistel Cipher, a fundamental concept in the encryption realm. Conceived in the 1970s by the ingenious German physicist Horst Feistel during his tenure at IBM and the NSA, the Feistel Cipher has made a profound impact on numerous encryption algorithms. This article is dedicated to unveiling the brilliance of this framework and its pivotal role in cryptographic processes.

The Feistel Cipher Framework

The Feistel Cipher isn’t a standalone encryption algorithm; instead, it provides a structured blueprint for constructing encryption algorithms. The fundamental structure entails dividing a data block into two halves and iteratively applying a function, often a hash or encryption round, to one half while performing XOR operations with the other half. This process repeats through multiple rounds, ultimately resulting in an output that is flipped.

One remarkable aspect of the Feistel Cipher is its decryption process. Despite utilizing one-way hash functions or irreversible processes, Feistel Cipher decryption remains viable by reversing the order of subkeys and conducting XOR operations. This testament to the elegance and ingenuity of the Feistel Cipher underscores its significance in modern cryptography.

Decrypting Feistel Cipher

The video discussed in this article elucidates both the encryption and decryption processes, providing a comprehensive understanding of how bits and bytes from the input block are manipulated and shuffled to generate the encrypted output. The reversible nature of XOR operations is highlighted, showcasing how it facilitates the decryption process, making Feistel Cipher an ingenious and widely utilized framework in the cryptographic domain.

A Glimpse into DES Basics

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) constitutes a fundamental encryption technique utilizing a 64-bit block cipher for encryption and decryption. This section outlines the basic structure, historical context, and fundamental operations of DES.

Historical and Structural Overview

Developed by IBM in the 1960s and later standardized by NIST in 1977, DES finds its basis in the Feistel cipher structure, employing 16 rounds and utilizing round keys generated through a key scheduling algorithm.

Key Components of Feistel Cipher Operation

Each DES round involves the division of a 64-bit plaintext into two 32-bit segments. The Feistel function is applied to one segment using a round key and XOR operations. Additionally, S-boxes and permutations play a vital role in this encryption process.

Understanding the Encryption Process

The encryption process comprises initial and final permutations applied to the plaintext, division of the plaintext into left and right parts, 16 rounds of Feistel structure operations, and a final ciphertext produced by applying the inverse initial permutation.

Decrypting DES

To decrypt using DES, an inverse permutation is applied to the ciphertext. The Feistel cipher structure is then inverted, employing the same function without needing to invert the function itself, and round keys are used in reverse order to obtain the plaintext.

Security Analysis of DES

Despite its historical significance, DES’s 56-bit effective key size renders it susceptible to exhaustive search attacks. This section presents an analysis of its security vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors.

Known and Chosen Attacks

Known plaintext and chosen plaintext attacks are explored, highlighting the ways in which an attacker can exploit knowledge of plaintext-ciphertext pairs to deduce the encryption key.

Generic and Non-Generic Attacks

Exhaustive search attacks and more sophisticated non-generic attacks, such as linear cryptanalysis and differential attacks, are discussed, shedding light on the vulnerabilities that persist within DES.

Triple DES: Enhancing Security

Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) emerges as a viable replacement for DES, offering enhanced security through multiple rounds of DES encryption. The section provides an overview of Triple DES, emphasizing its key components and advantages over DES.

Keying Options and Encryption Rounds

Triple DES employs DES three times consecutively with either two or three independent keys, significantly enhancing its security. A total of 48 rounds of encryption/decryption, with 16 rounds for each DES operation, contribute to its robustness.

Key Size and Security

With a key size of 112 bits, Triple DES markedly improves resistance against exhaustive search attacks, addressing the key size limitations of DES. However, drawbacks are acknowledged, such as the large number of rounds and specific vulnerability to non-generic attacks.

Modes of Operation: Ensuring Security in Encryption

Understanding the modes of operation for block ciphers is crucial in ensuring data security during encryption and decryption. This section presents an overview of various modes, emphasizing their distinct characteristics and security implications.

ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, and CTR Modes

Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Cipher Feedback (CFB), Output Feedback (OFB), and Counter (CTR) modes are discussed, highlighting their unique approaches to encryption and decryption and their respective security features.

Security Considerations

The article underscores the importance of choosing an appropriate mode based on specific security requirements and illustrates the potential security flaws associated with inadequate mode selection, such as predictable patterns in encrypted data.


The Feistel Cipher, with its versatile and elegant framework, continues to underpin numerous encryption algorithms, providing a strong foundation for data security. Understanding its principles, along with the nuances of DES and Triple DES, is crucial for implementing robust encryption strategies. Additionally, grasping the diverse modes of operation enhances our ability to tailor encryption processes to specific security needs, ensuring a resilient defense against evolving cyber threats.

Thank you QuantumComputingIndia , for making this #Quantum30 challenge possible. Here’s to many more days of exploring the quantum realm!



Biraj karki

🌟 Quantum Machine Learning Enthusiast 🚀 Exploring quantum-AI fusion for groundbreaking advancements. Passionate about unraveling the future of tech! 🌌🔬