I threw away my iPhone. Here’s why you should too.

Brian O'Neill
2 min readJun 2, 2016


Two days ago I threw away my iPhone. I didn’t have a reason, I just did it. It felt like the right thing to do.

What I didn’t realize was that I had started a chain of events that would change my life forever. I also didn’t realize was that I had thrown my iPhone with such force that it began to circumnavigate the planet.

48 hours after I threw away my iPhone 6, it completed its orbit of planet Earth and smashed through the wall of my apartment, leaving a hole roughly the size of a smartphone. I was amazed. God had graciously decided to give my iPhone back to me.

After blasting a hole through my apartment, my iPhone came to rest and embedded itself in the drywall of my living room. It was unscathed and only a little hot. I removed the telephone from its dusty gypsum crater and typed in my password. I found that it had snapped a photo of a dog pushing a wheelbarrow (please see image below) somewhere along its voyage.

Dog pushing wheelbarrow.

It’s the funniest image I will ever see.

After I had a good laugh, I placed my phone back on its altar in the kitchen and murmured a brief incantation to cast out any demons or free-roaming entities that may have attached themselves to my iPhone during the ordeal. All was right again.

You should throw away your iPhone too, because who knows, the same thing could happen to you. Thank you, and God bless.

