How to Master SQL to Get Your First Job

Are you getting stuck in writing queries. Your are in the right place after reading this you will get relaxed and you will be confident to solve the problems.

Birappa Goudanavar
The Data Analyst Toolkit
2 min readJan 16, 2022


Nothing comes in handy until and unless you put efforts.

I am share you the best resource and topics to master SQL

10 places to start your SQL journey, today:

  1. Zachary Thomas' SQL Questions
  2. Select * SQL:
  3. Leetcode: / g3c5JGC
  4. LinkedIn Learning:
  5. Window Functions:
  6. HackerRank:
  7. W3 Schools:
  8. CodeAcademy:
  9. SQLZOO:
  10. SQL Bolt:

Want to upgrade your SQL skills for an interview or for your job? Here's how I'd break down your time:

Common topics (should master these):

  • SELECT and WHERE for filtering and selection 2. COUNT, SUM, MAX, GROUP BY, HAVING for aggregating data"
  • DISTINCT, COUNT DISTINCT for producing distinct lists and distinct aggregates
  • OUTER (e.g. LEFT) and INNER JOIN when/where to use them
  • Strings and time conversions

Topics that come up regularly (be familiar with them):

  • DML/DDL/DCL concepts
  • Handling NULLs creatively (e.g. with COALESCE)
  • Subqueries and the impact of subqueries on efficiency of the query
  • Temporary tables
  • Self joins
  • Window functions like PARTITION, LEAD, LAG, NTILE
  • UDFs (user defined functions)
  • Use of indexes in querying to make operations faster.

Important, but more rare topics (useful to know):

1. Recursive CTES

2. Dynamic SQL generation

3. Query optimization

4. Materialized views

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