I put cheese on a cat’s head and it was blissful

2 min readMar 6, 2018
This is not my cat nor my cheese, but it depicts the delightfulness of the combination.

Cats. Is there anything more fluffy in this universe? They are literal fluff pillows that meow and purr. You might find them cute, maybe you scream “kawaii” whenever you see them, or maybe you just desire to pick a cat up and put it in a small cardboard box. But whatever your reaction might be, there is something truly universal that makes life worth living: putting cheese on a cat’s head.

Now, I know what you are thinking. “Just cheese?” — and let me answer straight away. You do not need to limit yourself to just cheese. However, a cat and cheese is a basic happiness combination; it’s like choosing a 2forU cheeseburger and fries in McDonald’s. It will certainly put a smile on your face and expand your love handles. Maybe you’ll also get a tingly sensation in your tummy. (Please do not marry cats. Unless you really know your cat is the one.)

I like to start my morning with a classic cat toast. I pick up a fat cat and I firstly gently put cheese on it’s head, then top it with a slice of bread. Or vice versa. It satisfies the hunger for cuteness for at least 5 hours and provides about 9999 kawaii calories. Then it is in a good manner to put the cat into a pot and set it on a windowpane, so he can be a fluffy bonsai.

What is your recipee for a good morning start? Some say it is good to scare a cat with a cucumber, but personally I am not fond of that activity. It seems old fashioned and cucumbers tend to rot quite quickly anyways. With that in mind, millions of people all over the world love their is-it-a-snake fix and who am I to judge?

Important note: no cats were harmed in creation of this article.

