What Is Rebellious Marketing?

Birches Brand
3 min readSep 5, 2022


You could do marketing by the book, but if we’re all reading the same book, then it’s going to be a lot more challenging to stand out to your dream clients.

There’s a combination of tried and tested techniques that we’ve all been using for years because they are “proven” to drive sales. They supposedly are designed to generate leads, convert customers and bring in revenue for businesses, so why the need for a marketing rebellion all of a sudden?

Nowadays, consumers want more. They want honesty from the brands they spend their money with; they seek meaningful connections and aligned values, not just products or services that solve their problems.

That’s where ‘traditional’ marketing fails. It’s no longer enough to shout about the features and benefits of your services in a pushy sales pitch. You have to appeal to more than a person’s desire for a solution to their problem. You have to think bigger and bolder!

How Does Rebellious Marketing Fit In?

  • People-Focused

Rebellious marketing puts the customer at the forefront of all decisions and recognizes that every audience and every business is unique. By focusing on individuals, rebellious marketers can put more time and energy into building relationships, communicating authentically, and catering to a group of individuals rather than a collective audience.

  • Data Driven

Instead of pushing out a textbook marketing campaign, a rebellious approach integrated analytics to see what people have connected with. That data drives future strategy so businesses can create and share more of what people love.

  • Authentic

Rebellious marketing shares more with customers than a business’ offerings. It allows brands to express their personality and show their deep understanding of what their customers need from them. It’s not salesy, and for many people, that alone is enough to pique their curiosity and make them want to learn more.

Is Rebellious Marketing just ‘winging it’?

Whilst rebellious marketing is paving the uncharted path to a new marketing normal, it doesn’t discount what we already know works. It’s guided by the foundations and frameworks that have served marketers for years, simply taking a new, 2 angle that pays attention to what consumers are searching for.

Why do we love it so much?

Taking a rebellious, people-focused approach to marketing forces us to understand our audience on a deeper level. We’re not relying on these tried-and-true strategies, we’re experimenting as we go and learning more about our audience every step of the way.

Breaking free from the marketing standards allows us to create and share content that feels fresh and inspiring, which in our experience, is something that people have a thirst for! They’re done with stagnant, repetitive sales pitches and ready for something that really catches their eye.

At Birches Brand, we like the freedom that comes with breaking the mold. By venturing from the status quo, we get to explore what works for us and develop targeted strategies that do what we need them to do, in a way that works for us (and for our clients!)

By marketing so intuitively, embracing our inner rebel, and constantly experimenting, we get to see what connects, identify opportunities for growth and ways to better serve our people.

To be the business that your audience comes to, you need to be the one that stands out. You need to show up authentically and demonstrate that you understand (and can deliver!) what your target audience wants and needs.

