One Pager of Birddog.Ventures

Dr. Gordon Jones
3 min readSep 11, 2018


The Development of a Decentralized Consensus Based Vetting and Voting System for the Proposal, Analysis, Selection and Funding of Crypto and Blockchain Projects

The problem with the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is that well over ±905* cryptocurrencies are now dead or worth virtually zero today. New digital tokens are created daily through initial coin offerings around the world, but some of these projects turn out to be outright scams and others have not materialized into real products or companies.

We need a project vetting and assessment process coupled with a consensus voting based engagement tool to enable those who are interested in supporting crypto and blockchain projects to do so while minimizing the risk of losing the funds they have contributed.

Birddog.Ventures proposes such a system for its decision making process. We are so passionate about this need and our solution that our founder, Dr. Gordon Jones, is putting up his CURRENT HOLDINGS AND POSITIONS IN OTHER PROJECTS AND ASSETS to support the value of the company.

The Solution is the Assessment Process and Consensus Voting

After we have captured all the required data, our analysts have completed their research, and provided narratives of the particular project, the following data points will be served up to the BDVC funding community for scoring. The following are many of the datapoints that will be scored, but this list will continue to expand as the system and process identifies the most effective process for identifying projects that have the highest probability of succeeding. While visually here it looks like a manual process, but everything here will be built into the BDVC blockchain applications and dashboards enabling members to participate anywhere and anytime their mobility allows.

BDVC Voting System

Birddog.Ventures is developing an on-chain decentralized autonomous voting system to operate as the consensus voting platform engaging the BDVC community in its project funding decisions.

Any owner of BDVC can submit a proposal for consideration to the BDVC holder community for review. After a consensus has reviewed the submitted proposals, the proposal is sent to the next stage where BDVC holders can vote on projects to fund. Each holder would then stake their BDVC vote allowing them to participate in this voting process with one vote for every BDVC they hold. This method would provide full verifiability, secrecy, and fairness. Voting results are recorded on the blockchain and identities are kept anonymous. The results are then decrypted by community members and voting results are revealed after the results are announced.

The amount of the funds put to the project will be based directly on the percentage of votes directed to affirm the project. For example, if there are 1,000 worth of BDVCs available to put into a project and 20% of the voters affirmed the project, then 200 BDVCs will be allocated to the project.

All BDVC holders benefit from the project, whether they voted for it or not, in direct relativity to their overall BDVC holdings.

The Opportunity

We would like to invite you to participate in the projects and ventures that Birddog.Ventures finds to invest in around the world. In this day-in-age of creating secure crypto tokens for open and transparent transactions and the underlying blockchain solutions allows us the opportunity to collaborate with other smart and likeminded people who may not have the time to do the research to understand the best portfolio mix, nor continuously monitor the market for signals of opportunity and exits from specific positions. The first quarter of 2018 is a perfect example!

Join Us!




Dr. Gordon Jones

I invest my time, experience, knowledge and money helping people propose, analyze, and fund worthy crypto & blockchain projects to maximize value.