New API: Market List

Birdeye Data Services
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Having issues with fetching new markets that a token or token pair has in real-time?

Birdeye Data Services (BDS) can help!

We’re excited to introduce our new Market List API, designed to help enterprises fetch existing and new cryptocurrency markets data easily. Developed with the needs of our key partners like decentralized exchanges, crypto bots, and SocialFi platforms in mind, this API promises to deliver real-time market list and comprehensive market data.

In our blog, we’ll explore the Market List API in detail, discussing what it offers our enterprise customers, how its parameters work, and the key use cases where it can be incredibly beneficial. Let’s dive in!

Overview of Market List API

The Market List API provides detailed information about all the markets of a cryptocurrency on a blockchain on Birdeye. BDS’ enterprise users can retrieve data about various trading pairs and market activities. This endpoint requires the specification of a market address to filter results, and it supports optional query parameters to refine the output based on liquidity, sort order, and pagination limits.

1. What enterprise customers can access:

  • Extensive trading pair data: Stay updated with multitude information of trading pairs, including the new markets.
  • Market details: Market specifics like liquidity, price (if available), trading volume, and changes over 24 hours.
  • Source Insights: Gain insights into where the liquidity is pooled from (e.g. Raydium CLAMM, Stake Pool).
  • Token specifics: Get tokens’ details, such as their names, symbols, and icons.

2. Parameters’ explanation:

a. Required Parameters:

  • Market address (string): The specific address of the market.
  • sort_by (string): Sort results by a specific criteria (default: liquidity). Options include ‘liquidity’ and ‘volume24h’.
  • sort_type (string): Specify ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order (default: desc).

b. Optional Parameters:

  • offset (integer): Skip a certain number of results for pagination.
  • limit (integer): Define the maximum number of results returned.

Exploring The Potential Use Cases of Market List API

1. Decentralized exchanges

a. Market monitoring and analysis

Decentralized exchanges (DEXes) can leverage our Market List API to monitor cryptocurrency markets as they evolve. This continual stream of data helps Birdeye’s partnered DEXes with:

  • Identifying new trends and potential trading opportunities;
  • Assessing the liquidity depth of different token pairs; then
  • Making informed decisions on which markets to list on their DEX.

b. Enhanced user experience (UX)

By integrating our API, DEXes can enrich user interactions by:

  • Providing comprehensive market data alongside trading pairs, including liquidity, price charts, and trading volume;
  • Enabling users to filter and sort markets based on specific criteria (i.e. liquidity) to find desired trading opportunities; and
  • Allowing users to track their portfolio performance across various markets.

2. Crypto bots

a. Algorithmic trading

Crypto trading bot developers can use Birdeye’s Market List API to fetch essential market data for building effective trading algorithms. This data can include:

  • Historical price movements to identify patterns and inform trading strategies; and
  • Liquidity data to assess the potential risks and rewards of specific trades.

b. Automated portfolio management:

Bots can leverage the API to automate portfolio management tasks for their users. These tasks can involve:

  • Rebalancing portfolios based on predefined parameters (i.e. asset allocation).
  • Executing trades based on pre-set triggers (i.e. price reaching a certain level).
  • Monitoring market conditions and taking actions to minimize risk.

3. SocialFi:

a. Content creation and curation:

SocialFi platforms can empower their content creators with our Market List API, enabling them to:

  • Dive deep into market trends and provide insightful investment analysis;
  • Showcase specific token performances and market activity to support their arguments; and
  • Present data-driven investment recommendations to their audience.

b. Community insights and research:

SocialFi platforms can leverage our API to become hubs of data-supported discussion by:

  • Providing tools for detailed research on various crypto projects and markets;
  • Facilitating the comparison and analysis of token metrics; and
  • Highlighting attractive investment opportunities through solid market data analysis.

Stream real-time token market list with Birdeye’s Market List API

By fetching all token market data in real-time, our Market List API enhances our enterprise customers’ ability to make data-driven decisions that keep you ahead of the competition. It also provides their users deep insights into cryptocurrency markets to spot trading opportunities and make better-informed trading decisions.

If you’re keen to explore Market List API further for your business needs, please find our team’s contacts here:



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