Swarovski Optik — Nature Through Lenses and Conservation

birding colombia
4 min readAug 18, 2017


Swarovski Optik, an off-shoot of the celebrated Swarovski precious stone organization, makes an assortment of survey instruments, for example, binoculars, telescopes, and optronic instruments. One of Swarovski’s principle product offerings are extensions advertising to nature watchers and picture takers. These degrees enable the nature sweetheart to see untamed life very close and even take staggering pictures. In any case, notwithstanding producing instruments to enable individuals to get nearer to nature, Swarovski as an organization additionally has close connections to the earth and nature.

The Swarovski Philosophy

Swarovski is headquartered in Tyrol, Austria, which gets all its power from hydropower. The region around Tyrol is brimming with mountains, woodlands, icy masses, and different landmarks of nature, so it’s no big surprise that the people at Swarovski Optik have built up a partiality for nature and the earth throughout the years. It is likewise no big surprise that these same nature sweethearts started to work in hardware intended to catch untamed life in all its greatness.

Birding Colombia

Notwithstanding cherishing nature, Swarovski Optik’s distributed business reasoning incorporates a guarantee to the earth. The organization utilizes the utilization of naturally amicable assembling methodology and furthermore bolsters numerous preservation ventures around the world. This adoration for and assurance of nature gives the organization a shared objective with its client, and maybe is one reason Swarovski Optik has developed such a notoriety for quality, easy to use items.

Swarovski Nature Projects

There is one WWF station for feathered creatures of prey in all of Austria, and it is effective due to a limited extent to Swarovski’s help. This station concentrates on rearing the hairy vulture, which nearly wound up plainly terminated amid the most recent century.

Notwithstanding this station, Swarovski has started or upheld various protection endeavors around the world. As of now, Swarovski is cooperating with the Hornbill Foundation to manufacture settling helps for the hornbill populace in Thailand. The objective is balance out the number of inhabitants in this extraordinary winged animal, which has declined quickly amidst the 1990s.

Swarovski additionally bought a substantial land parcel in Poland for BirdLife, which is an accomplice association of the organization. This land is situated on Karsiborska Kepa, an island simply off of Poland that has a substantial zone of unruined wetlands. Since the wetlands are vanishing the world over, this real estate parcel has turned into an asylum for 114 types of wetland winged animals. The quantity of species occupying this wetland is anticipated to develop as an ever increasing number of wetlands are attacked by saltwater or human tenants.

There is a little territory of Colombia that is home to a standout amongst the most imperiled types of hummingbird in the Americas. That winged animal is the vivid puffleg, and Swarovski Optik has approached to go about as the defender of this little flitter. It is assessed that there are not more than two hundred and fifty vivid pufflegs remaining the whole world. So as to shield these fowls from annihilation, Swarovski has buying an extensive land parcel in Colombia to be utilized as an ensured living space. Notwithstanding the uncommon vivid puffleg, there are sixteen different types of fowl situated in this land are jeopardized, and also two types of frogs.

Notwithstanding supporting nature preservation by give funds or purchasing area to secured environment, Swarovski likewise loans its optic assets to the battle also. A standout amongst the most jeopardized species on earth is the dark rhinoceros. It is evaluated that there are just two thousand dark rhinos staying on the planet, and a large portion of those live in Namibia. Since the dark rhino was imperiled due totally to poaching, amusement superintendents in and around national stops in Namibia watch out for these huge animals. Keeping in mind the end goal to help with this, Swarovski supplies these diversion superintendents with best in class telescopes, long-run binoculars, and even night-vision. Swarovski has likewise made watering openings in the range for the rhinoceros.

Birding Colombia

Swarovski has even conveyed its studio endeavors to the United States. In conjunction with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Swarovski established the “Transitory Bird Conservancy”, which is presently being upheld by more than thirty different organizations identified with flying creature viewing.

At the point when Swarovski Optik says it is focused on the earth and the individuals who cherish nature, they are not quite recently driving into an attempt to sell something. They move down this dedication with a past filled with preservation and support, which gives them an incredible bond with their clients, numerous who cherish nature the same amount of as the creator of their telescope.

Burglarize Rich is the president and CEO of MEI Research, a Temecula, California-based organization with many lighting/gear producing property supply for buyers, organizations, and the military. For more data on swarovski and telescope [http://www.meioptics.com/optics/swarovski/], look at [http://www.meioptics.com/]

Birding Colombia

