Protecting Trees with Bird Netting

2 min readMar 18, 2023


Protecting Trees with Bird Netting

Trees are vital to a healthy and diverse ecosystem, but they are often threatened by the presence of birds who feed, nest and roost in them. Bird Netting can be a great way to protect your trees against bird damage, allowing them to thrive.

Benefits of Bird Netting

Bird Netting provides year-round protection for your trees, as it does not need to be removed every season. This makes it an effective and low-maintenance solution for protecting your trees from birds.

Here are some of the benefits of using Bird Netting:

  • Prevents damage to fruits and nuts — Bird Netting prevents birds from accessing and eating your fruits and nuts, which can be a costly problem for orchard owners.
  • Preserves your trees — By protecting your trees from bird scratching and nesting, Bird Netting helps preserve the health of your trees while allowing them to grow.
  • Allows sunlight and rain to pass through — The mesh of Bird Netting is designed so that it will not block out sunlight and rain, allowing your trees to get the natural elements they need to stay healthy.

Installing Bird Netting

Installing Bird Netting is an easy process that can be done in just a few steps.

  • Measure the area that needs to be protected and purchase the correct length of Bird Netting.
  • Cut the Bird Netting to the correct size, making sure to leave several inches of overlap.
  • Attach the Bird Netting to the outer edges of the tree with stakes or posts.
  • Secure the Bird Netting to the ground with ground pins or sandbags.


Bird Netting can be a great way to protect your trees from birds and other wildlife, allowing them to grow and flourish. With easy installation and minimal maintenance required, it can be a simple and effective solution to preserve your trees.

