Purple Martin Houses — More Than A Desirable Residence

2 min readMar 17, 2023


Purple Martin Houses — More Than A Desirable Residence

The Purple Martin is a common sight in the US. Its highly social habits, beautiful chirps, and status as the largest member of the swallow family make it a desirable neighbor. But when it comes to Purple Martin houses, the benefits go far beyond mere aesthetics. Here are just some of the reasons why these unique structures should be an integral part of any bird-loving landscape.

Eco-Friendly Bounty

Purple Martin houses provide much more than just an attractive home for the birds. They provide an eco-friendly bounty for the neighborhood or property. Purple Martins consume huge amounts of flying insects like mosquitoes, gnats, and fruit flies — helping to reduce insect populations. Thus, by providing a place for the Martins to nest, the homeowner is not only providing habitat for the species but also helping to reduce the insect population in their yard.

Attract Other Species

Although typically associated with the Purple Martin, houses offer refuge to other species as well. A range of other birds and even small mammals have taken up occupancy in the same locations as the Purple Martins.

Easy Setup

Installing a Purple Martin house is a relatively simple task. It’s recommended to install the bird house at least 12 feet off the ground and away from other bird houses or trees. The design of the house should allow good ventilation while also keeping predators from getting in.

Added Entertainment

Watching the Purple Martins arrive and go about their business can be a great source of entertainment. Watching the birds feed, play, or watch for predators creates an added layer of enjoyment that cannot be found in many other wildlife watching activities.

Conservation Contribution

By providing a safe home for the Martins to nest, you can make a real contribution to conservation efforts. As the species continues to face a range of human-induced pressures, providing safe nesting habitat is a great way to help the population of Purple Martins to continue to thrive.

In Summary

Purple Martin houses are more than just desirable residences. They provide an eco-friendly bounty by reducing insect populations, attract other species, are easy to install, provide added entertainment, and make a contribution to conservation efforts. If you’re looking to add something special to your yard, a Purple Martin house might just be the right choice.

Benefits of owning a Purple Martin House:

  • Eco-Friendly Bounty
  • Attract other species than just Purple Martins
  • Easy setup
  • Added entertainment
  • Conservation contribution


