What do Pet Wild and Baby Birds Eat

2 min readApr 8, 2023


What do Pet, Wild, and Baby Birds Eat?

Just like humans, birds need food to fuel their bodies and many require very specific diets. Although there are general dietary guidelines to consider, the exact needs of a bird will depend on their species and age. Read on to learn what Pet, Wild, and Baby Birds should be fed.

Pet Birds

The diet of a pet bird will depend on the species and size of the bird. On a general level, a pet bird’s diet should consist of:

  • High-quality fortified seed diet. This should include a mix of seeds, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, and preferably legumes. However, only a small portion of the diet should be seeds as they are not nutritionally balanced.
  • Supplemental fresh foods. Pet birds should also be given fresh foods such as cooked legumes, cooked egg, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
  • Calcium rich foods. A bird’s diet should also contain foods that are rich in calcium such as cuttlebone, eggshells, and crushed oyster shells.

It’s important that pet birds also have access to a consistent supply of clean drinking water.

Wild Birds

Wild birds eat a wide variety of foods depending on their species, location, and season. In general, wild birds will consume the following:

  • Insects. Commonly eaten insects are spiders, caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, and larvae.
  • Berries. Some species of birds will eat a variety of berries as part of their diet.
  • Nuts and grains. Many wild birds feed on peanuts, sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and millet.
  • Small mammals. Some birds feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and shrews.
  • Other birds. Some species of birds feed on other birds and their eggs.

Baby Birds

Feeding baby birds can be complicated and specialized, depending on the species. Generally, baby birds should be offered:

  • Insects. Baby birds should be given small insects such as mealworms, waxworms, and crickets.
  • Soft fruits. Some baby birds may benefit from soft fruits such as bananas, papaya, and mangos.
  • Meat. Soft and minced meats may be offered to certain species of baby birds.
  • Commercial food. There are commercial diets specifically designed for baby birds. These are usually made up of high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

When offering food to baby birds it is important to check that the food is suitable for the specific species.

In conclusion, the diet of Pet, Wild, and Baby Birds is all different and it is important to understand the specific needs of each species. A balanced and nutritionally complete diet is key to ensuring that thesebirds are able to thrive.

