Knight Story Tutorial #3: Boss Dungeon

2 min readJan 13, 2020


Boss Dungeon
  1. BOSS Ticket
    You can attack the Boss when you have Tickets. One Boss Ticket is needed to attack the Boss once.
  2. Help Ticket
    You can help your friends with this. You need one help ticket to attack your friends’ Boss once.
  3. Reset Time
    You get 3 Boss Tickets and 6 Help Tickets every 24 hours. I suggest you use it all in 24 hours. It is not accumulated but refreshed.
  4. Share My Boss
    You can share your boss’s info with your friends with SNS. They will help you to fight with the boss. They can search for your boss with the boss Number.
  5. Boss Number
    Every boss in the game has a unique number. Your friends can search for your boss with the boss number, and you can share your boss number with your friends.
  6. Participant info.
    The participant info shows your friends list who participant and help your boss battle and their contribution to My Boss Battle.
  7. Weakness
    Specific pets get +100% ~ +200% buff on Boss Battle. The first Boss, Queen of Sorrow, is weak against four specific pets, and two of them are newly released pets; Sunny and 2020 Mouse.
  8. Rewards
    If Boss dies, you will get my boss reward. This reward will not share with your friends who help you. Separately, your friends will get a help reward based on their contribution.

You can search for a friend’s boss with Boss Number on the boss search box. And you can get recommend the boss list with the blue icon in the bellow image.




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