how to remove duplicates from arraylist in java

sunita from JustAcademy
2 min readApr 23, 2024


how to remove duplicates from arraylist in java

how to remove duplicates from arraylist in java

One way to remove duplicates from an ArrayList in Java is to use a HashSet. Simply create a new HashSet and add all the elements from the ArrayList to it. The nature of a HashSet does not allow duplicate elements, so when adding elements from the ArrayList, duplicates will automatically be removed. Then, create a new ArrayList and add all the elements from the HashSet to it, which will give you the ArrayList with duplicates removed. This method ensures a unique set of elements in the ArrayList without duplicates.

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  • To remove duplicates from an ArrayList in Java, you can follow the steps below:
  • - Iterate through the ArrayList and add each element to a HashSet.
  • - Since HashSet doesn’t allow duplicates, all duplicates will be removed automatically.
  • - Create a new ArrayList and add all elements from the HashSet to this new ArrayList.
  • - This new ArrayList will contain only unique elements from the original ArrayList.
  • - You can also use Java 8 Stream API to remove duplicates by collecting the elements into a Set using the collect method.
  • - Another approach is to use the Apache Commons Collections library, specifically the ListUtils class, which provides a removeAllDuplicates method.
  • - Provide training programs to students on how to effectively utilize data structures like ArrayList, HashSet, and Stream API in Java.
  • - Teach them how to implement algorithms to remove duplicates efficiently and improve their problem-solving skills.
  • - Offer practical exercises and hands-on sessions to reinforce the concepts learned during the training program.
  • - Encourage students to work on real-world projects involving ArrayList manipulation and duplicate removal to solidify their understanding.

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This information is sourced from JustAcademy

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