Install HBase on Windows 10

Bishu Paul
2 min readMar 28, 2019


Setting up HBase on Windows 10 (Professional) is not that difficult. You can follow the below 6 steps to install and run HBase on a Windows 10 machine.

* Prerequisite — Setup and start Hadoop

  1. Download HBase from Apache HBase site.

2. Unzip it to a folder — I used c:\software\hbase.

3. Now we need to change 2 files; a config and a cmd file. Inorder to do that, go to the unzipped location.

Change 1 — Edit hbase-config.cmd, located in the bin folder under the unzipped location and add the below line to set JAVA_HOME [add it below the comments section on the top]

set JAVA_HOME=C:\software\Java\jdk1.8.0_201

Change 2 — Edit hbase-site.xml, located in the conf folder under the unzipped location and add the section below to hbase-site.xml. [inside <configuration> tag]

Note : hbase.rootdir’s value Eg : hdfs://localhost:9000/hbase, must be same as the hadoop core-site.xml’s fs.defaultFS value.

















5. Now we are all set to run HBase, to start HBase execute the command below from the bin folder.

  • Open Command Prompt and cd to Hbase’ bin directory
  • Run start-hbase.cmd
  • Look for any errors

6. Test the installation using HBase shell

  • Open command prompt and cd to HBase’ bin directory
  • Run hbase shell [should connect to the HBase server]
  • Try creating a table
  • create ‘emp’,’p’
  • list [Table name should get printed]
  • put ‘emp’,’emp01',’p:fn’,’First Name’
  • scan ‘emp’ [The row content should get printed]

