Adeniji Bisola
2 min readOct 19, 2023

The problem of misplaced identity among Gen Z’s

One challenge we’re facing in the world today is that we have a bunch of people who don’t know who they are. Especially among the Gen Z’s.

These days, we have a lot of people falling info depression or venturing into things simply because they have no sense of identity. They don’t like their value or worth.

I’m a victim of that kind of life as well. I’ve also been in a situation where I lived such a degrading life because I had no idea about my identity or who I was. But at the point I started realizing these things, I discovered that many people have similar experiences but don’t even know.

This motivated me to write my book titled “The Unveiling: an Exodus from Identity Crisis.” The purpose of this book is to simply reveal the problem of identity crisis and then provide people with the knowledge of their identity.

So if you read my book, you’d discover several truths that you most may have never thought of. I tried my best to explain a few this that would make you know who exactly you are.

Three reasons why it’s important that you know who you are:

  • It shapes the quality of decisions you make.
  • It shapes the kind of people you let in your space: An understanding of your identity helps you know the kind of people you should allow in your space. Not everybody should be in your inner circle.
  • It gives you a sense of security: When you have an understanding of your identity, it guards you from trying to impress people or strive to be someone that you’re not. You’re at peace with who you are and can confidently say no when certain things do not match up with your values.

#showupchallenge #contentwriting #Identity