Escape the Rat Race: Following Your Passion Can Set You Free
Confucius once said that “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. However In the rat race of today’s world in order to get more money and material benefits, people seldom take the path that leads to their dream job. There are numerous paths ahead of us that we can take in the journey that we call life. But competition and risks coerces us to take the road heavily tread upon and not the one less traveled by. We have become sheep with money as our shepherd. Anywhere it asks us to go, like obedient sheep we follow.
We strive to be independent financially and this leads us to consider jobs that we never wanted to do just because it pays more. This compromise of our satisfaction for money leads us to be unhappy and disgruntled. We begin to hate the work we do. This hate spills over to our life and the life of those who are connected to us.
It’s hard to escape the trap of the so called modern society and follow your dream with all the passion and zeal that you could possibly amass. However once you break through the invisible binding that binds you; you can open yourself to the infinite possibilities that life has to offer.