Mouse Control for Shooting Game using OpenCV and Python

Basic concept/idea of how to control mouse without touching it.

Bismo Baruno


Photo by

Hi everyone! After almost 2 weeks not posted a new story, finally, I’m back!! And I’m still want to share some experience, thought, or opinion about technology-related with the software engineering field!! Recently, I’m learned about Artificial Intelligence especially on the Computer Vision field. When we talk about Computer Vision, maybe OpenCV will first come upon our mind. Yes, because OpenCV is a very popular library for Computer Vision, and it’s open-source under a BSD license! Visit the official website at for learn more!

OpenCV’s application has a lot of areas including, for example, Facial recognition system, Gesture recognition, Motion tracking and etc. However, in this topic, we will just only try the Image Processing area to detect the color of an object. As the title for this story, we will try to play a simple shooting game, which just needs a movement and left click from our mouse, but we will control it using a color of the object that recognized by OpenCV!! For the programming language, we will use Python since it very popular for AI, IoT, etc.

I will summarize what we need for this experiment.

  • Simple Shooting Game
  • 2 Objects
  • Python
  • OpenCV

Shooting Game

What’s the game we will play? It’s called Metro Cop. Demake of the classic Sega arcade game Virtua Cop, if you have been played it. The game is available online in this link We can easily play it with our browser. And like I said, this game just needs movement and click from our mouse.

Picture Metro Cop Game by


In this case, I’m using 2 objects with orange color for the movement and green color for the clicking.

Picture 1 My Objects


My Python version is 3.7.7 when running this experiment. Visit the official Python website at to learn more about how to install in your environment. Because I assume you already have Python installed on your machine.


And My OpenCV version is 4.2.0 when writing this story. I also assume you already installed OpenCV. Visit the official link that I mentioned previously to learn more about how to install OpenCV.

Building a Basic Application

Make sure you have pip installed on your system. Pip is a package installer for Python. Usually, pip is already installed when we are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from In this time, my pip version is 20.0.2.

Next, we need to install OpenCV package for Python. Follow this link for guidance.

To verify our environment has been ready or not, write a simple application for reading our webcam and give output video in a window. Saved the file as Run the application using the command python3

Picture 2 Basic OpenCV App

If you getting the result like the picture above, yeah it means we are ready to move to the next step! I will give a quick explanation of the code.

First, we need to import open cv library using import cv2. Then access our camera for capture video using this code cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) 0 means the default camera for our PC/laptop, if we have several cameras, the number refers to USB port number.

Next, we need to loop the captured image as video output using while True. After that, we should capture frame by frame using function. By default, the frame unlike when we see ourselves in the mirror. Personally, I prefer to flip it. We need frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)to make this.
1(>0) for horizontally, 0 for vertically and <1 for both vertically and horizontally.

cv2.waitKey(1) will display a frame for 1 ms, after which display will be automatically closed. if key == 27 means ESC key code, when we pressed, then the window will be closed.

Then, display the resulting frame using cv2.imshow("frame", frame). “frame” string will become the title of the window. When everything is done, release the capture using the cap.release() and cv2.destroyAllWindows()

Finding Color of Objects

Maybe we have the same perception for a color name. Let say, in this experiment I mentioning about the orange and green color. But on your side, it could be “another orange and green” for me. The solution is we will track the color using OpenCV, for finding the best range for our “orange” or “green” color. Instead of using RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model value, we will convert to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). Let’s build this simple track color application.

Save the file, let say as and run using python3 command. We will get 3 frames: named as frame, mask, and result and one mini window for Trackbars. For finding the color of an object, put the object inside the frame and adjust the value for lower (L-H, L-S, L-V) and upper (U-H, U-S, U-V) in Trackbars.

Picture 3 Tracking Object Color

Yeah, we getting the orange color range! As you can see, the mask and result frame will just only show the orange color! Still, confused? Let me explain about this, also for the code.

First, we create the Trackbars by adding this code.

def nothing(x):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)cv2.namedWindow('Trackbars')
cv2.createTrackbar('L - H', 'Trackbars', 0, 179, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('L - S', 'Trackbars', 0, 255, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('L - V', 'Trackbars', 0, 255, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('U - H', 'Trackbars', 179, 179, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('U - S', 'Trackbars', 255, 255, nothing)
cv2.createTrackbar('U - V', 'Trackbars', 255, 255, nothing)

In the beginning,cv2.nameWindows('windowName') will be created a new window named from the input value.
Next, cv2.createTrackbar('trackbarName', ‘windowName’, minValue, maxValue, callBackOnChange) will create the trackbar following config: trackbar name, referring window name, min value, max value, and call back on change. Because Hue maximum value is 179, we set only for H. And the rest, 255. And because we don’t want to do anything, we create the function to do nothing for the call back on change.

Next, we will convert the color to HSV using this codehsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) . How’s the HSV frame look? You can see the picture below, seems creepy :)

Picture 4 HSV Look Like

And the, we will get the value from the Trackbars based on Trackbar and Window name.

l_h = cv2.getTrackbarPos('L - H', 'Trackbars')
l_s = cv2.getTrackbarPos('L - S', 'Trackbars')
l_v = cv2.getTrackbarPos('L - V', 'Trackbars')
u_h = cv2.getTrackbarPos('U - H', 'Trackbars')
u_s = cv2.getTrackbarPos('U - S', 'Trackbars')
u_v = cv2.getTrackbarPos('U - V', 'Trackbars')

Next, we will find out the object color from HSV frame inside range from lower to upper that we already adjust. The output from this frame, as you can see on Picture 3 is the second frame. We will get the white object color, with a black background. For easily working with an array, we use numpy . And inRange code will be looking at the object between lower and upper HSV values.

import numpy as np...lower = np.array([l_h, l_s, l_v])
upper = np.array([u_h, u_s, u_v])
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)

Next, bitwise_and code will create the third frame output on Picture 3. Based on the mask frame, we will get the same object, but with the original color.

result = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask)

Last, show all the frames with this code.

cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
cv2.imshow('result', result)

Do those steps above to find out the green color. Finally, here is my color range:

lower_orange = np.array([0, 109, 195])
upper_orange = np.array([17, 255, 255])
lower_green = np.array([37, 130, 95])
upper_green = np.array([48, 190, 173])
Picture 5 Tracking Another Object Color

Building The Application

Okay, we already got the range for the object's color, it’s time to building the application!

In the beginning, there is a function (image_resize) for resizing the window. I’m using this because I want to keep both games and our frame can fit in the screen together. Reference for resizing the window but still keep the aspect ratio was from here:

Next, maybe we will jump into cv2.findCountours code. Like cv2.itwise_and , we will create contours based on the mask frame. Contours can be explained simply as a curve joining all the continuous points (along the boundary), having the same color or intensity. RETR_EXTERNAL means retrieves only the extreme outer contours. And CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE will be compresses horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments and leaves only their end points.

Contours contain multiple coordinates, that’s why we need to loop contours using for c in contourscode. We also need to check the contour size area, make sure we have a reasonable size of the detected area using cv2.contourArea(contour). And for drawing the contour, we use cv2.drawContours(img, contours, countourIdx, color, thickness) function. The result of the drawing contour will be like the picture below.

Picture 6 Draw Countour Based on Mask Color

Nice, now, we will integrate the contour with the mouse control function. After did research, I found several modules for controlling the mouse. First, PyAutoGUI ( But, in my opinion, it’s slow. Can’t catch up with our gestures. Then, I looking for the other solution and found PyMouse ( It’s better! And I think I don’t have an issue for the current condition.

So, how we move and click the mouse? PyMouse already has this function. We need to import the module using from pymouse import PyMouse and initiate variable like this m = PyMouse()

Then, we are able to use m.move(x, y) and, y, 1) for controlling the mouse. (x, y) means the coordinates for the pointer. And where we can get the coordinates? From contour actually. If we looking at orange contour, we will see x, y, _, _ = cv2.boundingRect(c) which is will be to return the position from our contour. And PyMouse also has a function for returning the current position, so if we want to click something, we need coordinates, right? Then we should get the current position, to avoid the miss position when doing some click using x, y = m.position().

Yeah, I think that’s all, the explanation for this simple experiment. Oh yeah, I’m adding a rule, for delaying the click. Because in my experience, If we didn’t implement this when green color detected, it would be fast looping on click function, and our gesture can’t handle this speed. That’s why I’m putting some rules to check the last click to avoid multiple clicks.

Okay, how the position for playing this? You can follow my hand in this picture below. When we want to shoot, we will open our thumb.

Picture 7 Object Position


Cool, we already build the application. It’s time to do testing! We need to run the application using python3 and open the URL of the game using a browser. Make sure the browser tab on active mode. And try to do movement for the orange color things as our pointer. Nice, it’s work! Next, try to open our thumb for detecting green color as click function. Yeah! It’s clicked! Now we can play the game without touching the mouse/touchpad!!

Picture 8 Testing the App


I knew it was a basic application or just idea how to control mouse without touching directly. Maybe there is a lot of function that doesn’t work properly. For the example that I found are:

  • The pointer can’t reach the bottom of the screen. It would become an issue when the screen of the game bigger on your side.
  • The color maybe can be conflicted when our background / around us has the same color. Maybe we can put additional rules like the shape + color instead of only using color.

That’s why if you have some ideas or suggestions for improving this, you can directly make a PR! Thank you! Here the GitHub repository for this experiment.


