How Can You Tell If a Moonstone is Real?

bispendra jewels
6 min readAug 16, 2023



As the demand for moonstones continues to rise, so does the unfortunate prevalence of imitation and synthetic moonstones flooding the market. We will navigate the treacherous terrain of counterfeit moonstones, identifying the most common imposters and equipping you with the tools to unearth the authentic from the imitation.

Characteristics of Moonstones

At the core of a moonstone’s charm lies its play of colors, an optical phenomenon known as adularescence. Adularescence is characterized by the shifting, milky glow that dances across the surface of the stone when it is moved or tilted.

This captivating effect is caused by the scattering of light from the thin layers of feldspar within the gem, creating an otherworldly play of blues, whites, and occasionally other hues. This play of colors is often likened to the soft, gentle light of the moon, hence the stone’s name.

Color Play (Adularescence) and Its Significance

When seeking genuine moonstones, the presence and quality of this color play become essential factors in identification.

Transparency and Clarity Variations

Genuine moonstones may have some natural inclusions, which can enhance their uniqueness and character. However, imitations might lack the interplay of transparency and the captivating inner glow that distinguishes true moonstones.

Mohs Hardness Scale and Moonstone’s Relative Softness

Moonstones typically rank between 6 and 6.5 on this scale, making them relatively soft compared to other gemstones.

Common Types of Fake Moonstones

In the intricate world of gemstones, the allure of moonstones has given rise to a market flooded not only with genuine treasures but also with a myriad of imitations seeking to capture their magic. It’s imperative to be well-versed in the different guises of fake moonstones that often adorn the shelves of jewelry stores, online marketplaces, and even spiritual boutiques.

Imitation Moonstones and Their Facade

Imitation moonstones often come in the form of glass or other cheap materials that mimic the appearance of the real gem. While these imitations might exhibit a superficial resemblance to genuine moonstones, they lack the ethereal play of color known as adularescence.

This enchanting dance of light, a hallmark of true moonstones, remains conspicuously absent in imitations, leaving them bereft of the celestial allure that characterizes their authentic counterparts.

These synthetic moonstones are grown in controlled environments and replicate the characteristic play of color through deliberate manipulation of the mineral composition. One defining aspect of lab-created moonstones is their consistent appearance; their adularescence can appear uniform and predictable, lacking the natural variations found in genuine stones.

Howlite and Other Misidentified Stones?

A deceptive realm within the world of fake moonstones involves the misidentification of other stones as moonstones. One such example is howlite, a naturally occurring mineral often dyed to imitate the appearance of moonstone.

While howlite might possess a pale, milky appearance similar to moonstone, it lacks the true play of colors and genuine energy associated with the real gem. Other stones like opalite or opalized glass might also be passed off as moonstones due to their semi-translucent appearance, yet they fail to capture the captivating allure of genuine moonstones.

The discerning eye can separate the illusory from the authentic, and the understanding of these common types of fakes empowers the seeker of moonstone beauty and energy to make informed choices.

Testing Moonstone Authenticity

1. Visual Inspection: Examine Every Facet

Genuine moonstones exhibit an entrancing play of colors across their surface, emanating an almost mystical glow. Observe for the hallmark adularescence, which is characterized by shifting hues as the stone is moved. Authentic moonstones might contain natural inclusions that add to their uniqueness, whereas imitations might lack these intricacies.

2. Observe from Different Angles: Dance of Colors

Hold the moonstone in your hand and tilt it under a light source. Authentic moonstones will display varying shades and colors as they move, mirroring the soft gleam of the moon’s rays. Counterfeit moonstones might lack this dynamic play of colors, maintaining a static appearance regardless of the angle.

3. Hardness Test: Gauge the Stone’s Resilience

Gently test the moonstone’s hardness using everyday objects. True moonstones rank around 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making them relatively soft compared to some other gemstones. Try scratching the surface with a steel nail or a coin; a genuine moonstone might show signs of wear or a faint scratch. However, imitations made from materials like glass or plastics will likely remain unscathed.

4. Temperature Test: Unmasking Authentic Adularescence

Immerse the moonstone in warm water and closely observe the play of colors. Authentic moonstones tend to rapidly clear of adularescence when exposed to heat. The colors should become more pronounced and vivid as the stone responds to the temperature change. Counterfeit moonstones might not display this dramatic change, revealing their true nature.

5. Backlighting: Peering into the Depths

Hold the moonstone up to a light source and observe its internal structures. Counterfeit stones, on the other hand, might appear more uniform and lack the complex inner landscape of genuine moonstones.

6. Water Immersion: Authenticity Underwater

Submerge the moonstone in water and observe its behavior. Authentic moonstones are relatively hydrophobic, meaning they repel water and remain unaffected when immersed. Imitations, especially those made of porous materials, might absorb water, leading to fading or even damage over time.

Professional Assessment

In the intricate dance between authenticity and imitation, seeking the guidance of a seasoned professional can be a wise move. A professional jeweler or gemologist possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience honed through years of examining gemstones.

A skilled jeweler or gemologist possesses the ability to discern subtle details that might escape an untrained observer. Their trained senses can differentiate between a genuine moonstone’s play of colors and a skillfully crafted imitation’s facade, offering a level of certainty that is difficult to achieve without their expertise.

While seeking professional guidance does come with associated costs, the benefits far outweigh the investment. Moreover, engaging with a professional can potentially reveal the story behind your moonstone. In a landscape where imitation can skillfully mimic authenticity, the professional assessment emerges as a beacon of certainty.

Buying Moonstones Wisely: Navigating the Authenticity Quest

1. Purchase from Reputable Sellers or Jewelers

The foundation of a successful moonstone purchase rests upon the trustworthiness of the seller. Opt for sellers with a history of honesty and integrity, as they are more likely to provide you with genuine moonstones that align with your expectations.

2. Research the Source and Seller’s Reputation

Take the time to research both the source of the moonstone and the seller’s reputation.

3. Ask for Certificates of Authenticity or Lab Reports

When considering a moonstone purchase, inquire about any available certificates of authenticity or lab reports. Reputable sellers often provide these documents, which are generated by esteemed gemological laboratories such as the GIA.

4. Educate Yourself through Reputable Sources

Empower yourself with knowledge about moonstones through reputable sources before embarking on a purchase. Reputable gemological institutions, books, and well-established online resources can provide accurate information that arms you with the ability to spot discrepancies and identify genuine moonstones.


As we bid adieu to this journey, let us harmonize our voices in the chorus of the informed buyer’s anthem. In your pursuit of moonstone beauty and authenticity, may you walk with the confidence of an educated seeker. Let each moonstone you encounter become a chapter in your personal gemological odyssey.

Whether you’re a collector, a jewelry enthusiast, or a devote of spiritual energies, remember that the authenticity of a moonstone isn’t just about its composition; it’s about the energy it carries, the stories it whispers, and the dreams it encapsulates. Let your appreciation be a symphony that resonates through time, uniting you with the age-old mystique that only genuine moonstones can conjure.

