Tourist Places to Visit in Orissa

3 min readMay 19, 2022


Teeming with a vibrant cultural heritage, Orissa is home to some of the most beautiful places to visit. The temples of the state are some of the most popular tourist destinations in Orissa. While visiting this amazing land, you can check out religious and historic sites around the region. Some of these magnificent monasteries are worth visiting, while others are meant for art lovers who want to indulge their interest in various historical works. So, without further ado, let’s take a tour of the different places that have the best potential to lure tourists. And also, we will give you a guide on which sites should you visit first if you want to experience them.

The National Museum Of Art

The National Museum of Art occupies an important place in the heart of both ancient and modern art history. One of its exhibits includes pieces from Ancient Greece, Egypt, and medieval Europe. These galleries demonstrate the evolution of artistic skills and style across generations. A number of museums throughout the world are dedicated to the museum that contains a good quantity of paintings and sculptures. It is the only museum in India that offers access to such galleries without any kind of fees.

In addition to the collection of artwork, one of them is the Birla Vishnu Art Gallery. This gallery deals in artifacts from all of India and explores each period of Indian Art. Apart from that, it holds collections from ancient to European periods ranging from Greek, Roman and Arab art. Besides, other museums in the same category include Sirsa Nangalu (Indian Arts and Civilization), Rajasri Matha Devi (India’s Cultural Treasure).

The Khoja Road Art

The Khoza road is named after the famous Buddhist painter Shantapa Kutumbakkara, who lived between 1163–1200. As his name suggests, his work was mostly in Khoja scripts. His life was hard and demanding since he had to travel through several continents to produce his masterpieces. He was fondly known as “the father of Indian writing.” From the very beginning, artists had to use varied mediums and styles during their creation and decoration. Among him, there has been numerous masters including Hindu and Muslim forms.

His paintings were also used by kings and royalty. For instance, one of his sculptures entitled Mandapam has become a major tourist destination of the state. Also, another painting called Kottaya, which takes us back to the sixteenth century, appears to be a masterpiece work of the artist himself. Moreover, another piece by the same artist titled Kamala is currently in private hands. Another painting on display can be seen at the Mysore Maharaja Hotel. Although these paintings are not yet ready for public viewing, they can be bought.

Chennai Perfume Factory

There are a variety of places where you can sample many types of fragrances. You can try scents like Eau de Chanel, Fenty perfumes, Celine Dion’s fragrance Eau Noire et Lavigne. There you can buy aromatic perfume products of your choice. If you are planning to start exploring Chennai’s culture through fragrances, then the following places are a great idea.

The first option is Chennalu Chennai Perfume Company. Their stores in South Cochin offer different fragrances such as Oils de France and Carnations de France. Aside from that, you should try shopping brands such as Coles, Superdrug and Indira Gandhi Nagarja. Lastly, there is also the Kavalamani International Fragrance Showcase, which showcases the latest fragrance trends.

Religious Monuments In Andhra Pradesh And Karnataka

A large number of religions spread across the country; however, orissa is still home to various religious monuments that showcase diversity. On the contrary, Karnataka has some of the most fascinating religious and historical monuments. A standout example of religious monuments is Sri Venkateswara temple. Despite being located in Dharwad, Sri Venkateswara temple is in Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, one of the best places to explore religious monuments in Andhra Pradesh.

The church of Sanitation and Health

The second place that will surely leave you mesmerized is the Church of Siddhi. Founded in 1548, this church houses a long list of monuments to ancient Buddhist leaders, scholars, travelers, saints, deities and more. All of these can be found in the Cathedral by looking for the words “Sanitation” and “Siddhi.” Perhaps one of the most impressive religious monuments in the region is the Jain caves that lie in the forest near the town, which offers visitors easy access to ancient Buddha statues.

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I am a student. I am from India.