The FireDAO recognise immense potential for disrupting traditional financial system & democracy access to weath creation.

Mst Shorna Khatun
10 min readJul 24, 2023


In the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi), FireDAO has emerged as a prominent player, leveraging the power of decentralized governance to foster innovation and reshape the financial ecosystem. Through its groundbreaking campaign, FireDAO is setting ablaze a new era of community-driven decision-making, empowering individuals to actively participate in shaping the future of DeFi. This article explores the essence of the FireDAO campaign, highlighting its key features and discussing its potential impact on the decentralized finance space.

Paradigm Shift in Governance:

FireDAO’s campaign represents a paradigm shift in the way governance is structured within the DeFi landscape. By leveraging decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), FireDAO enables token holders to collectively make decisions on project proposals, resource allocation, and strategic directions. This approach eliminates centralized control and ensures that the community has an active voice in shaping the future of FireDAO and the projects it supports.

Community Engagement and Collaboration :

One of the core principles of the FireDAO campaign is to foster community engagement and collaboration. FireDAO token holders have the opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process by voting on proposals put forth by project teams seeking support. This democratic approach encourages transparency, inclusivity, and accountability, empowering the community to drive innovation and promote projects aligned with their collective interests.

Incentives and Rewards:

To further incentivize community participation, FireDAO offers a reward mechanism that allows token holders to earn additional tokens by actively engaging in the governance process. These incentives encourage active involvement, creating a vibrant ecosystem where contributors are recognized and rewarded for their valuable contributions. By aligning the interests of token holders with the success of the platform, FireDAO strengthens the bond between the community and the projects it supports.

Strategic Project Support :

The FireDAO campaign provides a platform for emerging projects to seek support and funding from the community. Through a transparent and merit-based proposal system, project teams can present their ideas, business models, and development plans to the FireDAO community. This process ensures that projects with the highest potential and community alignment receive the necessary backing, allowing them to flourish in the ever-expanding DeFi landscape.

Building Trust and Security :

FireDAO recognizes the importance of trust and security in the DeFi space. To safeguard the interests of the community, FireDAO conducts due diligence on proposed projects, ensuring that they meet rigorous standards of security, compliance, and viability. This meticulous vetting process helps mitigate risks and safeguards the community against potential scams and fraudulent activities.

Impact on DeFi :

The FireDAO campaign has the potential to reshape the decentralized finance landscape. By giving power back to the community, FireDAO fosters a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and transparency. This model challenges the traditional financial systems and paves the way for a more democratic and decentralized future. The FireDAO campaign serves as a catalyst, igniting a spark of change that has the potential to revolutionize the way projects are governed and funded in the DeFi ecosystem.

FireDAO is a social DAO in light of the limiting of PID and FID Soulbound accounts, started and laid out by the RainbowCity Establishment. As a local Web3 DID personality convention in view of blockchain innovation, FireDAO works on the Arbitrum one chain and plans to make a local area driven independent financial substance.
The objective of FireDAO is to accomplish decentralized navigation, shared economy, and social connection upset through the power and insight of the local area, eventually prompting the production of the “Bitcoin Civilization.” We accept that the making of Bitcoin will push human culture into a high level progress in view of science and calculations, which we allude to as the “Bitcoin Development.” By making and maintaining “FireDAO,” we plan to give a consistent fuel source to the “Bitcoin Civilization,” passing on shrewdness and filling civilization.
To partake in FireDAO, you want to mint a NFT called FirePassport to get a one of a kind PID. When you have a PID, you become an imminent Rainbow Fighter and gain a record on the FireDAO gathering, empowering you to take part in the environment improvement of FireDAO effectively. A FireDAO discussion record must be gotten through stamping a PID as it is important for FireDAO’s people group personality framework. When you have a discussion account, you can take part in our Zealy early supporters program, gathering abundance program, and local area volunteer program.


Q1 2023: FireDAO authoritatively dispatches the mainnet of its PID item, denoting the authority beginning of the FireDAO project. Simultaneously, FireDAO effectively requests ideas for the biological system whitepaper from the worldwide local area, with the seed local area effectively partaking.

Q2 2023: During this stage, FireDAO proceeds with the turn of events and testing of its center items, slowly understanding the send off of the testnet. These center items incorporate however are not restricted to FireSeed, FireSoul, on-chain notoriety, city hubs, and worldwide organizations. In view of these items, FireDAO will fabricate a total Web3 on-chain character framework and direct testing of center items with the worldwide local area.

Q3 2023: FireDAO’s center items will be sent off on the mainnet individually, and seed mining and agreement mining exercises focusing on the worldwide local area will authoritatively initiate. Simultaneously, the administration token FDT will be exchanged on the auxiliary market, running lined up with the essential market, eventually accomplishing the genuine virus beginning of the FireDAO project.

Q4 2023: During this stage, FireDAO will authoritatively accomplish its virus start and bit by bit enter the phase of refined tasks. FireDAO will especially zero in on the refined activity of worldwide societies. Simultaneously, FireDAO will officially move administration authorizations, continuously moving different administration freedoms of the convention to the local area administration DAO, empowering the local area administration DAO to control the improvement of the whole FireDAO at last. This step is taken to logically accomplish the genuine decentralization of FireDAO and leave on an excursion of endless conceivable outcomes.

FireDAO is social DAO organization based on the PID & FID soulbound account, servings as a community driven on the chain autonomous economy. With soul account as center various types on SBTs to calculated on- chain reputation score & ultimately established a native web3 the on- chain DID identify protocol. FiredAO campaign represent bold & innovation approach to decentralization governance in Defi space. By the empowered community throughout democratic making and fostering collaboration the firedao is at forefront of reshape future on finance. One of the primary use cases for FLM is to the incentives liquidity provision firedAO is decentralised exchange. Liquidity providers play a crucial role in the ensuring that sufficient liquidity for trading pairs, the improving users experience & reducing slippage. By staking their assets in liquidity pools & receiving FLM token as rewords, LPs are incentives to liquidity, thereby enhancing overall trading ecosystem.

FireDAO features:

Trust & security — : The FireDAO recognise importance of Trust & security in defi space. To safeguards interest of the community, the FireDAO conducts due to diligence on proposed platform, ensuring that they meet rigorous standards of security, compliance, & viability. It meticulous vetting process assists mitigate risks & safeguards community Against potential scams & fraudulent activists.

Fueling Defi Revolution :

To empower individual & business with seamless access to the decentralised finance service that as defi industry gains momentum, The FireDAO recognise immense potential for disrupting traditional financial system & democracy access to weath creation. By embracing technology and smart contacts, the FireDAO aims to ignite a financial revolution puts control back into hands on the people.

Community governance :

FireDAO is a strong emphasis on community Governance. The FireDAO project allows token holders to actively participate in decision making process, such as proposing voting on new projects making strategic investment and shaping future direction of the ecosystem.

How to join the FireDAO

Anyone can join automatically Through smart contacts, firstly anyone can mint a The FireDAO & be assigned a PID through FireDAO protocol registration contact, becoming a rainbow recruited of the FireDAO with basics participants rights in ecosystem. Minting PID the users Will be also simultaneously make an account for FireDAO ecosystem Forum allowed them to participants in discussion and contribution to global social system. Forum account can be only created through registered of a PID and can’t obtained through others means. To prevent proliferation of spam accounts a small amount of ethereum will Charge as a registration fee for each PID registration minimising various types of witch attacks. Firesoul account is the soul account of each officials Dao user, minted in form of an erc721 token that is non transferable. It primary stores various SBTs received by every official Dao people.

Anyone can join automatically Through smart contacts, firstly anyone can mint a The FireDAO & be assigned a PID through FireDAO protocol registration contact, becoming a rainbow recruited of the FireDAO with basics participants rights in ecosystem. Minting PID the users Will be also simultaneously make an account for FireDAO ecosystem Forum allowed them to participants in discussion and contribution to global social system. Forum account can be only created through registered of a PID and can’t obtained through others means. To prevent proliferation of spam accounts a small amount of ethereum will Charge as a registration fee for each PID registration minimising various types of witch attacks. Firesoul account is the soul account of each officials Dao user, minted in form of an erc721 token that is non transferable. It primary stores various SBTs received by every official Dao people.


The FireDAO tokenomics implements a 3+2+7+1+X tokenomics model. In early stage there will more than ten various types of the tokens to sustain and expand entire on — chain economy. Later on we established community behaviour badges tailored to various ecosystem. The FireDAO aims to the become a self sustainable continuously circumstances and ever growing on — chain Super economy thats the embodies the true of encrypted. This also serve as the native on — chain DID identify protocol for the entire web3 world.

FireDAO furnishes local area individuals with admittance to painstakingly chose DeFi speculation projects. The team behind the platform does extensive research to make sure promising opportunities are presented. By pooling assets and utilizing aggregate insight, FireDAO empowers members to get to speculations that might be trying to independently get to.

FireDAO’s decentralized administration model empowers local area individuals to impact the stage’s course. Token-based casting a ballot components permit partners to propose and decide on drives, including project speculations, convention redesigns, and stage strategies. This majority rule approach disperses dynamic power, taking out the requirement for focal specialists or mediators.

FireDAO is a local area driven stage that use brilliant agreements and blockchain innovation for straightforward, secure, and proficient tasks. Through decentralized governance, investment opportunities, and decision-making, its primary objective is to empower participants.

FireDAO addresses a huge step in decentralized administration and speculation. By saddling the force of blockchain innovation, FireDAO empowers dynamic cooperation in navigation, organized venture open doors, risk the board, and joint effort inside the DeFi environment. Its straightforward and majority rule approach can possibly reform decentralized associations and add to the consistent development and development of the DeFi business.

FireDAO maintains:

straightforwardness as a fundamental component of decentralization. The blockchain stores a permanent record of all investment activities, governance decisions, and financial transactions for stakeholders to access. Also, FireDAO urges outsider reviews to give an extra layer of trust and security for its local area individuals.


The principal group of agreements for FireDAO, including FirePassport, FDT-OG, and FLM, have been sent off on the Arbitrum One mainnet. We are effectively getting ready and testing the testnet and mainnet dispatches of related agreements like FireSeed, FireSoul, On-chain Notoriety, City Hubs, Worldwide Societies, and FDT. Our code follows the standards of open-source, and any local area part can follow our improvement progress on our GitHub.FireDAO recognizes the dangers intrinsic in the quickly advancing DeFi industry. To address this, the stage executes strong gamble the executives procedures and teams up with protection suppliers. Combining insurance coverage with a comprehensive risk assessment framework, this strategy aims to minimize potential losses and safeguard community members’ interests.
$FLM #DAO #Arbitrum #FireDAO #Defi #Arbitrumgem @FireDAOlab

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Written By

Mst Sorna Khatun
Bitcoin Username : @Ayatulla
Bitcointlak Profile Url :;u=3451910
Arbitrum Wallet Address : 0x9361586594D148Cc5c0a922700B1C69E82dBe9B3



Mst Shorna Khatun

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