React local setup using create-react-app CLI tool

Santanu Biswas
2 min readJul 25, 2023

Today I am going to discuss here about how to start a react project in your local environment using create-react-app CLI tool.


You should have installed nodeJs in your system, if it is not installed then download and install from here. Npm comes along with nodeJs installation. your node version ≥ 14 and npm version must be 5.2+ or higher . To check the node version and npm version use below commands.


  1. Go to that directory where you want to create a react project using terminal.

2. create a react project using npx create-react-app react-styling command in terminal. It will create one react project named react-styling by installing all dependencies. Project name you can choose any name.

3. Once all dependencies are installed then change directory using cd react-styling.

4. you can run npm start to start the project in local. It will open in your http://localhost:3000/ .

5. This is the simple way you can setup a new react project using create-react-app



Santanu Biswas

#Front-end Developer #Javascript #ReactJS #CSS #Technologies