Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Biswesh Dhungana
2 min readJan 13, 2023


In “Heart of Darkness,” Joseph Conrad takes readers on a journey into the depths of the Congo and the human psyche. Through the eyes of the protagonist and storyteller, Marlow, Conrad exposes the brutal realities of European colonialism and the greed that drives it.

One of the most potent symbols in the novella is the Congo River, which Marlow describes as a giant snake. This symbol represents European colonialism's seductive and dangerous nature, drawing in unsuspecting adventurers with promises of wealth and power. The snake also serves as a metaphor for the serpent in the Garden of Eden, representing the temptation of sin and the fall from grace.

As Marlow travels deeper into the African forests, he encounters the violence and exploitation inflicted upon the native population by the colonizers. The character of Kurtz, in particular, represents the ultimate embodiment of greed and power. Through his brutal treatment of the African people and his descent into madness, Kurtz becomes a symbol of how the drive for wealth and power can corrupt even the noblest of intentions.

The imagery in the novella also plays a crucial role in conveying the theme of darkness and savagery. The African landscape is described in ominous and foreboding terms, with the dense jungle and the ever-present fog creating a sense of unease and danger. The imagery also contrasts the European colonizers' supposed “civilization” with the “savagery” of the African people, highlighting the hypocrisy and moral ambiguity of the colonial enterprise.

Through symbols and imagery, Conrad masterfully exposes the darkness at the heart of human nature and the brutal realities of colonialism. He challenges readers to confront their prejudices and prejudices and to question the morality of the actions of their ancestors. “Heart of Darkness” is a powerful critique of colonialism and a reflection on the human condition and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

In conclusion, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a seminal work that explores the dark side of human nature and the destructive impact of greed and power. The symbolism, imagery, and characters in the novella offer readers a profound and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition, challenging us to confront our prejudices and question the morality of the actions of our ancestors.

