Have you ever wondered why we never stick to our new year resolutions?

Saona Giri
2 min readDec 29, 2023


New year is around the corner and we are all set with out notepad and pen to write down yet another set of “new year resolutions”. If we think about it, it’s not a new thing we are doing this year , it has been a loop which we have been playing every year. Unfortunately these resolutions remain just as words in those pages as we proceed to walk through the coming year. Although we initially follow them , we give up midway. So, what’s exactly the reason behind it and how can we implement those words into actions?

Step 1) Keep it realistic

You cannot reach the mountain top in a single leap but you can definitely conquer it with the small and careful steps. Set realistic goals which can be incorporated easily in your daily life. Resolutions are meant to be fulfilled, not regretted. As a person who has never been into working out ,he/she shouldn’t aim for completing 10k steps on 1st January. Rather keep motivating yourself each day little by little in order to reach those 10k steps one day .

Step 2) One at a time

After setting the goals (realistic) , don’t pressurize yourself to achieve everything all at once. Handle them one by one , get accustomed to those habits and try to make the healthy changes sustainable in the long run.

Step 3) Be imperfect

You don’t have to overburden yourself with the thought of being effortless at your new habits . Instead track your progress in achieving the goals . The goals set by you are solely related to your life , you don’t need to answer anyone else about being perfect.

Step 4) Benefit yourself

List your goals wisely. Think of bringing out changes just for your well being and not for impressing your surrounding. When you choose for your happiness, you tend to remain more motivated and aim for accomplishing the written.



Saona Giri

A creative mind with self written short stories , poetry and articles