A tutorial for Bitbibe Wallet Exchange

Bitbibe Technology
6 min readOct 10, 2018


Hello Bitbibe community, today we will show you some steps to use Bitbibe Wallet Exchange.

Note : to deposit your coin to Decentralized Wallet Exchange, you have to use Bitbibe Decentralized Wallet. If you do not know about Bitbibe Decentralized Wallet, please take a quick look at our Overview and Guide here.

1. New/Unlock Wallet :

From the homepage interface, you can click on “NEW WALLET” button to create new Decentralized Wallet or click on “UNLOCK” button to unlock your available Decentralized Wallet.

If you are on “NEW WALLET” interface :

To start the creating process, you need to fill a password in “Password” box on the interface. Similar to Ethereum Decentralize Wallet, this password will not be saved in BDWP server and it is only used for creating an Encrypted Seed to encrypt all things related to Master Wallet. The password needs to have at least 9 characters.

After the password had been filled, you need to click on “Create new master wallet” button to send a request for creating Master Wallet.

BDWP will generate a secret twelve-word Mnemonic Phrase for your Master Wallet. Please make sure that you save this secret twelve-word in a safe place and click on “I understand. Continue.” button to continue.

Then, BDWP will generate a private key for your Master Wallet. Please make sure that you save this private key in a safe place and click on “I understand. Continue.” button to continue.

When your Master Wallet is successfully created, you can click on “Go to unlock wallet page” to go to Unlock Master Wallet page.

If you are on “UNLOCK” interface :

You can unlock your Master Wallet using Mnemonic Passphrase or Private Key given from creating process before.

If you choose to unlock Master Wallet using Mnemonic Phrase, you need to fill the secret twelve-word Mnemonic Phrase and your Password.

If you use Private Key to unlock Master Wallet, you need to fill the Private Key only.

After all necessary information had been filled accurately, you can click on “Unlock master wallet” button to start the unlocking process.

After your Decentralized Wallet is successfully unlocked, you can click on “Go To Exchange” button on menu taskbar to move to Exchange homepage.

Otherwise, you can access to Coin Wallet for monitoring your Wallet (send, receive, backup,…). If you don’t know how to use Decentralized Wallet, please click here to view our guide.

2. Deposit/Withdrawal/Access Decentralized Wallet and History:

2. 1 Deposit :

There are two ways to make a deposit request to Bitbibe Wallet Exchange :

Way 1 :

From your Coin Wallet interface, click “Deposit To Exchange” button.

Enter the amount your want to deposit and your wallet passphrase then click “Deposit” to confirm your deposit request.

If your deposit is successfully, a success message will show and you can click “Exchange Balances” to move to Exchange Balances page.

Way 2 :

From your Coin Wallet interface, you can click on “Exchange” button to move to the exchange for your coin.

After your Decentralized Wallet is unlocked, go back exchange page and you can click on “BALANCES” button from your homepage interface to move to balance managing page.

As you’re using Decentralized Wallet, we cannot load the balance of all available coins in your wallet, please click on “QUERY” button to see your wallet balance.

To deposit your coin, click on “DEPOSIT” button

Enter the amount of coin that you want to deposit and your passphrase, then click on “DEPOSIT” button to transfer your coin.

2.2 Withdrawal :

To withdraw, click on “WITHDRAW” button

Enter the amount of coin that you want to withdraw and click on “WITHDRAW” button to withdraw your coin back to your Decentralized Wallet. The system will transfer your coin to Decentralized Wallet that you used to deposit the coin before. Hence, this process does not require your passphrase.

2.3 Access Decentralized Wallet :

To access Decentralized Wallet, click on “ACCESS” button

To view your deposit/withdrawal history, you can scroll down to the bottom of Balance page. Based on coin, required confirmations will be few or many. After all confirmations of blockchain are made, your balance will be updated and you can use them for making transaction.

3. Place Buy/Sell order :

From the Exchange homepage, you can choose the trading pairs that you want to make transaction by clicking on one of the trading pairs on the left.

To buy/sell coins, you need to enter the price and amount then click on “Buy/Sell” button from the “Buy/Sell” panel below “Price Chart”.

You can also view your pending order or trading history right below the “Buy/Sell” panel or you can see it by clicking on “Order” button on the menu taskbar right below Buy/Sell panel.

You can cancel your pending order from “Order list” panel.

Above is a tutorial for Bitbibe Wallet Exchange, we will update here if something updated. If you have problem when using our platform, feel free to contact us at Telegram or email : support@bitbibe.io.

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