Adam Goldman
2 min readAug 9, 2016

Hello Canada!

As one of the founders of Bitbuy, we are pleased to offer products and services to help facilitate and grow the bitcoin economy. Our passion goes deeper though, as our true love belongs to blockchain technology and its seemingly unlimited potential to solve problems in the Internet age.

At Bitbuy we want to provide access to the emerging world of crypto-currencies and give people a taste of blockchain technology.

It all started a few years ago with our first startup InstaBT, where we learned how how to make things easier for the end user. As exciting as crypto-currencies and blockchain technology was, it was/is still fairly complex, evolving quickly as disruptive open-source technologies tend to.

We realized that there was an obvious need to share this new technology with our family and friends, and ultimately the masses. We felt that once an individual learned about bitcoin and the blockchain, their question was always “How or where can I get some bitcoin?”

To address this recurring question, we created, Canada’s first ‘online ATM’ for purchasing bitcoin as well as a featured deposit option for Interac funding on Vault of Satoshi, a now defunct Canadian bitcoin exchange.

As new and old proprietors came and went in Canada, from Vault of Satoshi to CaVirtex, ATMs and Cafes, Meet-ups and Incubators, our product was simple, elegant, easy-to-use, and fairly priced amongst similar competitors. It really wasn’t anything new per se, but it always worked, and worked well.

As the community shifted, were were told that ‘if you weren’t in the exchange business, you won’t be successful’. The same was said about the merchant payments segment, wallet providers, mining hardware manufactures, and the like. Seven years after its invention, in the wild west of blockchain technologies, big finance has finally begun to “get it”, and the sleeping giants are now wide awake.

As a result we made some changes, including upgrading InstaBT — adding the features we had always intended InstaBT to have. We also developed multiple funding options (Interac Online and Interac Email Money Transfer) and provided super low rates and wallets. Today we are proud to offer these services to all Canadians at for instant procurement of Bitcoin and Ether.

Bitbuy is a subsidiary of Monitex Inc. which is aimed at positioning itself in the financial technology software development space. We have several exciting new products and a team with over 35 years of professional payments and banking related business experience.

Adam Goldman

President, Monitex Inc.