Tikka Tiwari : Used Crypto Guy

Donnie Gebert
5 min readSep 24, 2019


This is a brief study into how an expert in their field can behave in a manner to question their ethics and the factors you need to make quality good decisions and avoid fraud.

This is NOT and attack on character of anyone involved. It’s a critique, not judgement. Its tailored for YOUR use and learning, not sparing the feelings of anyone involved. The intent is to formulate that which is germane information versus the sales pitch. Once the expertise is separated from the sale, the sale is evaluated for the same level of expertise already exhibited. You may hold someone accountable and that process makes some people uncomfortable. It still has to be done.

I start with praise. The videos below are a great reference for someone to learn the crypto market. Tikka is obviously knowledgeable, I will add to a world-class level. The level of detail he exhibits is very high and his own words loop-back to demonstrate he knows the whole process. I do not need to go on. This is worth your time and I added this to my Youtube page for that purpose. It’s very good.


Then, If you follow the links, you will see Tikka’s sales pitch. This is what I will focus on, as it’s a night and day difference. If Tikka doesn’t like this, I don’t care. This is his work. He may own it in his own way. Tikka’s obvious competency is then obscured in the “5 coins to 5 million” pitch.

The pitch thesis is as follows:

Palm Beach Capital is a research firm, at least. I’m not digging into financial, regulatory status, or other metrics. This firm does provide investment information.

This ‘product’ is a 5 + 1 coin pitch. You will see an infomercial, you will get 1 coin named and have to buy the other 4…then secret 6th coin shows up later. The marketing is to sell you a purported 5,000,USD “value” for a 1 year subscription. This is contrast with a lifetime subscription, a 10,000,USD “value”. By math, This firm has a 2 year value proposition. Of course the pitch is then dropped to 2,500 and now 5,000 will get ya 2 years, but not a lifetime membership. As far as I’m concerned, this means a lifetime membership is 5,000,USD and this company has 2 years worth of credibility, starting Day 1 with the pitch. None of this is pejorative, I think a 2 year time horizon is an honest and intelligent proposition, for other reasons.

The specifics are that a small market cap coin with a sub-dollar price has a lot of economic energy behind it and will catch a lot of USD as the token is used more. This is not an unsound method and is not in question. Then, you are expected to put 500 USD into 5 coins and the claim is you are ~5,000,000 USD richer in 300 days.

Methods and Motives:

Based on the video, it’s apparent that Tikka knows his business. In his pitch video, he uses the word “phenomena” instead of halvening. He’s not filling you in, he is gate keeping how the system works. Not his, Palm Beach Capital system, the Bitcoin blockchain system. This is not incidental, he changed terms to obscure system functioning and makes himself a totally unnecessary gate keeper.

The coin he names, LINK, is at 1.80USD with a 675M market cap at time of pitch. This doesn’t meet the criteria he pitches. It doesn’t appear to be a “free” pick at all, as it’s neither small cap nor sub-dollar. He may sell his information. The manner in which he’s doing it is shady.

How successful and helpful is someone when they:
-Claim to be a multi-millionaire but want 50% of the suggested investment from people who are, as the pitch implies, not millionaires.
-Someone who’s still working… like this, info gate keeping, for any reason other than need.
-Accepting remittance in USD, NOT the currencies he’s advertising. Biggest alarm I can sound. Before a regulator gets blamed, he can just say “my proceeds go to what I pick, by proportion”. Moreover, he could do all this by smart contract and isn’t.


Griping about something without a “solution” is somewhere between childish and politics. I’m not saying Tikka is wrong. I am saying there’s a lot there to question and here’s how to do it better.

Here’s my 6 picks: LTC, BNB, SYS, PRO, BAT, RVN. While I can launch into research points on any of the 6, I’ve already given you more than Tikka did. Here’s my information, to which you my now do your own research. I’ve narrowed it down from “www” to “crypto” to “names”. Any one investing with Tikka still has to do that; I’m sure he has a full info-buffet for subscribers. Some of it may be proprietary, most is on the internet.

Tikka’s goal is to get paid, ~50% of what you will to be involved. I ask for 1% for mine. My crypto addresses are below. LTC, BNB, RVN, and SYS have their own addresses, PRO and BAT are ERC20 tokens and go into the ETH address. And the only honesty I will know of is if you remind me.


The relevant enterprise environment factors are how you determine good info from bad from incomplete. This is a matter of your competency. If you are dealing with people who are not willing to keep you informed, you should go find the ones that do and you will know the difference.

Update: The internet provides. Here’s his 6 picks: LINK, ZRX, TNT, LOKI, RCN, and CRPT. I will flat out agree with ZRX. RCN and CRPT seem sound, original charts look good, and I will defer to Tikka’s pick. All my LINK objections are listed. Loki has no chart on Tradingview, no max supply, and almost no markets, but is on BinanceDEX. I can’t go with Tikka on this one.

Again, this is about the ethics of his gate keeping/sales pitch. I think we’d find ourselves in agreement about most of the space.

Donnie Gebert is a former military intelligence analyst who served in the US Army and Navy.


BCH: 1LBkcv3S3jJHkjLfMrHpRw8XTbEwSfbrDs
LTC: M84oMF9fvqqdNgwnFTW1bm2boFYM3qaddf
ETH/token: 0xE5Aa6bbac0330B2952f1234C334d45C6cc1aBCd7
DASH: Xy8WwNcrRA7wuRyCgTmFiFL6HmaYn5H7zA
SYS: ScXiREoB4upmrXPEuFsmon2GxJrdK5aafU

