Bitcoin Mining South Africa
2 min readNov 10, 2018


Today, to most people, cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon which is rapidly increasing its growth in the market. When bitcoin which is one of them, was introduced a few years ago, the whole tech universe was taken by storm, Bitcoins were designed to be incredibly useful. They offer a predictable and sound monetary policy that can be verified anywhere and by everyone. And as they can be traded for about any currency in the world, they gain increased traction across the globe.

Well, finding the right ways to buy Bitcoin Mining in South Africa is no picnic. Herein, we’ll walk you through important tips to invest in bitcoin.

#1. Use whatever you’re willing to Lose to Buy Bitcoin

The most important thing to be aware of is that don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose when you decide to invest in bitcoin. After all, investing in bitcoin is quite a risky business. Sure, it can return so much more money. But same goes for the other side of the coin.

#2. Stash Your Bitcoin in Your Own Personal Wallet

Many people have fallen prey to bitcoin scammers online. Once you invest in bitcoin, move it right away to your wallet. It’s recommended that you use a hardware wallet to do so. That is another good reason you need to buy the best Bitcoin Mining Equipment.

#3. Buy Bitcoin from Exchanges with Good Reputation

Again, you should be careful not to be conned of your hard-earned cash by online scammers. Invest in bitcoin with exchanges have shown a clear track record of honesty and delivery. Don’t go for less — your investment is at stake.

#4. Buy Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware

Many people are mining bitcoin out there. It’s no easy task, either. But with essential training and best bitcoin mining hardware, you can do it without much hassle.

#5. Buy Bitcoin through Dollar Cost Averaging

Don’t invest in bitcoin all at once. Buy bitcoin in a fixed amount every day, week or month year-round.



Bitcoin Mining South Africa

Bitcoin Mining South Africa offers low-cost, secure and fast transfer of funds - something that banks do not currently always provide.