BitcoiNote Gateway Service Step 3: Gateway setup

You just connected to your server using SFTP.

3 min readMay 17, 2019

1. In WinSCP, click this button to open PuTTY in order to run commands on the server.

2. Just run the following command on the server:

bash <(wget -qO-

…and follow the instructions. You will be prompted for the following things:

3. Enter a wallet password and remember it. Press “return” to continue.

4. Enter your domain name or IP address of the server. Using a domain name is preferred. Press “return” to continue.

5. Enter a different password for the gateway and remember it. Press “return” to continue.

6. Enter an IPN secret. It’s like another password. Remember this as well. Press “return” to continue.

7. You should now see a message saying “SETUP COMPLETED”.
At this point, you will need to let the daemon sync and continue to step 8 below.
Synchronization can take a while — hours or sometimes even days. You may close the PuTTY window and get back to it later.
You can use the command journalctl -u bitcoinote-daemon -f to view the daemon's status.
Wait until you see SYNCHRONIZED OK.

8. While waiting for the synchronization to complete you should copy the wallet file to your computer, so that you can manage the transactions and funds on it. Go back to WinSCP and fil the file using this path: /home/ubuntu/app/gateway/wallet/gateway.wallet
Click “Download” to save the wallet file locally.

9. Click “Browse” to change the location where the file is saved if needed. Then click “OK” to download the file.

10. Open the wallet file using the BitcoiNote GUI Wallet. You will be prompted for the wallet password, which you set earlier.

11. Once synchronization is complete, you may continue to step 3.

You completed step 3! Next steps:

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